New Home Forums Launch Summit Showcase I made it!!

9 replies, 7 voices Last updated by  Elijah Powell 6 years, 5 months ago
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    Anonymous @

    Well I have officially reached the top of this mountain!

    I launched my wedding ecourse today and kicked things off with a giveaway worth over $1300! I ran features on Wedding Chicks and Ruffled (wedding blogs) and I am excited, scared, nervous, tired, and all of the above as I sit and wait to see what happens.

    The Giveaway runs for a week so I will continue to post on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest throughout the week and shout out to all of the giveaway sponsors (which they have been doing back so that’s great!)

    Here’s the links for anyone who wants to check it out:

    My site:

    Sales page:


    Phew! This ecourse thing is a LOT of work to set up but excited to see where it takes me.

    Soon I will start phase 2, approaching affiliates and influencers….a whole new can of worms!




    Sara McCann

    CONGRATULATIONS! Woohoo! Am so thrilled and excited for you! Your challenge, website EVERYTHING Looks amazing!

    Please keep us posted on how you do as I’d love to keep following your progress now you’ve launched.

    Keeping everything crossed for you. X




    Anonymous @

    Thanks so much Sarah! My give-away closes tomorrow and so far there has been lots of interest but little action! Fingers crossed some more commit before the giveaway ends.

    I did have a bride from NYC sign up yesterday so that was pretty exciting, considering I’m in Alberta, Canada!



    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Congratulations Shannon. You worked so hard on this and did one helluva a good job. Your course and sales page looks amazing. I will dig into it via the link you sent in the next week. Can’t wait to see how it goes.

    If you get a chance in the next couple weeks to join a coaching call, I’d love to interview you about your journey up the mountain and give you a space to share your best lessons and receive a bunch of support. it’d be fun.

    The last 24-hours of a launch is the window to really do your biggest push. Send out a last chance email.

    AND – remember, this is the soft launch. These are your beta testers. No matter how many join, it’s a win. What your’e really gearing up for is the wedding shows next year.

    High five on yoru first sale too! Be sure to claim that badge under the “CHALLENGES” page.


    Anonymous @

    Hi Brad!

    Thanks so much! I would love to hop an one of the upcoming coaching calls!



    Jessica Antonelli

    Wow, Shannon, what a gorgeous site and SUCH an original and fun eCourse! I’m gonna go have to find a fiancé to play the game 😉 WAY TO GO! Love the graphics especially, that map is awesome!




    Whoop whoop! @hello @shannonvalentewedding I’m so proud of you. I’m still gushing from the test run. I’m bursting with joy right now. Way to go!!!



    Oh wow. That looks amazing! Awesome job getting it done, out, and with such a cohesive feel that matches your niche!


    Anonymous @

    Thanks so much everyone!


    Elijah Powell

    @helloshannonvalenteweddings-com: I know I’m over a MONTH late but CONGRATULATIONS Shannon! How is it going? Wishing you all the success in the world with you course! Take Care!


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