New Home Forums Philosophy, Mindset & Preparation I just don't like Facebook – do I have to use it?

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    Catherine Fox

    There I’ve said it. I stopped going on there in August and have actively enjoyed it’s absence. Something I LOVE with this e-adventure is you have a decent setup that’s not facebook. I hate being forced to use facebook pages for things and when ‘private facebook group’ is offered as part of an ecourse etc I groan inside and never go on there.

    I’m thinking about the “River of Awareness” and wondering where to tap into it. Can I avoid facebook?? I really would rather channel my time into :

    – creating memes/animations

    – guest blogs (maybe building up my own blog)

    – doing interviews/podcasts/webinars

    Although I’ve not done any of those before.

    It seems to me to make the facebook marketing thing really work, you need to spend a lot of time talking and engaging with facebook. This does not inspire joy in me.  Is it unrealistic to  make  successful online business without using facebook?

    I didn’t find out about the ecourse adventure through facebook, I saw it through some “love your business” webinar series.

    Love to hear other’s thoughts on this.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    HELL NO @catherine_wildfox. Definitely don’t have to use Facebook.

    Are there any social media sites that DO inspire you?

    What other ways can you come up with that will help you get in front of the people you wanna be connecting with?

    Word of mouth is going to be your BFF no matter how you look at it, so how can you leverage the community you’re already building in Victoria to grow even more?

    My eCourse ripples for the most part were locals who I’d been serving for years and it grew outwards from there to 30+ countries.

    My suggestion is to find one or two ways that DO bring you joy and that you COULD be obsessively creative with that help you share and build connection with your ultimate audience.

    Glad you asked. If Facebook is a drain, then it’s not the place to hang   🙂


    Catherine Fox

    Thanks for this!

    Right now, my social media is focused on your community here. I like the format of different campfires and also just the lack of distracting ads and imagery and endless flow of a wall. I don’t feel like taking on another social website – one place to go online at a time feels like enough.

    What other social media sites are there other than facebook and twitter?

    I am not a big computer person these days, although that’s because I’ve escaped that reality. I used to spend all day on computers and online journals, so I can see that’s most likely place to find prospective people. But  As I learn more about myself I realise I value more one on one connections of depth. I’d rather hang out in real life with people than online.

    So I’m thinking I’d rather make a few deep allies, look for podcasts other people are running or some of the bigger blogs I can submit articles to, or write guest blogs/provide content for other people that helps them and helps me.  At least going to try that and see how it works!


    Eunita L

    Guest post blogging and interviews with others in your topic expertise niche (or complimentary topic with a shared overlap of audiences) is a FANTASTIC way of connecting with people with content, not FB posts.

    You can totally 100% grow a thriving following without touching FB!

    There are two ways to go about this… it can be organic or it can be structured JV partnerships.   I’ll explain.

    Organic means you follow blogs that concern your topic, and occaisonally leave posts.  Or you introduce yourself to the blog host/author and let them know you appreciate their work.  Then wait for a response. You can also create a paragraph in your ABOUT page that lets people know you’d love to guest post or be interviewed by their blog. In between if there are posts on their blog, give compliments or genuine helping links or referrals.  Let them learn about you or what you know.  And with your post, at the end you add your website or course site. You aren’t being pushy.  You aren’t being smarmy-salesy.  Just friendly site-to-site organic relationship building.  You may already know blogs in your field or experts you can easily connect with.

    Another organic path is doing interviews.  This can be email interviews or audio/video interviews or podcast-audio only interviews.  You can host experts or others can host you as their Expert Guest.

    Both organic ways are about relationship building.  By offering free content and helfpul, friendly information people are drawn to you and your work and then go check you out!

    THE SECOND path is often called JV partnerships.  JV = Joint Venture.  It means you are sharing something you created (say you have a free opt in) and they in turn get to share something with your audience.  It usually entails affiliate links (so you get paid Thank You Monies if your audience signs up for their course/class/conference).  But not always!

    JVs are all about growing audience numbers.   You may have a medium following, but they have a medium following too, and together you grow your list (they opt in to your free info).  Sometimes its getting on the blog of someone you consider a respected, well established (near Celeb status!) expert.  And their following is much much bigger than yours.  By partnering with them (*guest post, interview, whatever) the masses quickly find you and your list grows exponentially.

    This River of Awareness is like being the canoeist and plunking your canoe in at their campsite and travelling in tandem with your JV for a window of opportunity.

    Again, it can be done with guest posts, podcasts, or video interviews.

    I don’t know if this is at all helpful or if I am rambling on.

    In summary – you can avoid FB 100% and still have a thriving course and thriving business.

    Once the course is complete, thanks to the 80/20 rule I know that we will spend 80% of our time marketing it! 😀  That’s a whole other module out there.

    Trust there are many beautiful Rivers of Awareness to explore.

    You never have to go to the FB River, ever.   Reason to celebrate!


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