New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines Hypothetical Dragoneer exercise made me feel more confident

6 replies, 5 voices Last updated by  Penny Claringbull 8 years, 12 months ago
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    Penny Claringbull

    Like @catherine_wildfox, I struggled with the ‘who’ side of things but after reading Deb’s @robson hypothetical participant, it got easier. I actually wrote several and at the end I felt a lot more confident that there would be someone out there who might be drawn to my/their dragons! Here goes;

    Alana is a graphic designer in an inner city business. She enjoys her life and work but is nagged by a sense of disconnection from the natural world and her creative self. Much of her time is spent developing corporate logos – it pays, but it wasn’t what she dreamed of doing when she went to art school. She likes hanging out in the park with friends on the weekend but she yearns for wider spaces and wilder places. She wishes she had the courage to throw it in and move somewhere cheaper and greener but she doesn’t know how.

    Alana finds ‘Dragon Flight’ and is deeply drawn to the dragon archetypes. They speak to her of creativity, wildness, crazy power and freedom. After going through the exercises she finds herself painting dragons, using bright colours, changing the way she dresses. She goes on a wilderness walking trip and on the way she meets a children’s book author. This leads to a contract illustrating a mythology series. She becomes a freelancer and decides that she doesn’t have to change where she lives but how she lives. So she stays in the city, volunteers at a community garden and visits wilderness areas for artistic inspiration.


    Mia has two children in primary school. She works in a government department which monitors planning permissions and development assessments. She’s alarmed by the loss of green space, the rapid growth in population and the increasing cost of living. She’s fearful about the world her children are growing into but feels too small and hopeless to do anything about it.  She knows she’s too clingy with her children and they are picking up on her anxiety and fear.

    Mia finds the dragon course and feels an instant affinity with the strength and power the dragons embody. After doing the exercises she feels a great sense of release. She realises that she has her own inner dragon and the courage to adapt to whatever the future brings. She will no longer focus on frightening statistics but will jump into life wholeheartedly. With her children too – she does the visualisations with them and the whole family blossoms. The dragon guides become a family communication tool that everyone loves.

    And the kids grow up and become famous environmental activists and save the world!

    Nothin’ wrong with dreamin’….


    Deb Robson

    So glad to help, @pennyclaringbull! Writing up that hypothetical story in my case shifted the focus of my course–very valuable.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    YES YES YES!!! So fun to read. I feel like I know your people know.

    Way to use your creativity and clarity to draft up these short stories. We’ll definitely be giving you a shout-out because this is funtastical @pennyclaringbull


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    This is great Penny.. Doing the WHO exercises is a very creative process. Once you get super clear on your “avatar”, then you can always consult with them when you need to make decisions on your course/marketing/etc..

    There’s no better person to ask than the person you’re doing it for. And if you know who they are and have a bit of imagination, you can access them on-demand.

    Once you can have an imaginary conversation with them, its time to explore level 2: becoming your avatar. That is to say, putting yourself in their shoes, and answering your questions from their perspective.

    As you can probably imagine, this can be an incredibly powerful tool 😉


    Penny Claringbull

    Hi @andyfreist,

    I had thought of dragon role playing but not with my avatar, which would be much better in terms of course design. Thanks for the tip!


    DavidJ Jurasek

    Oh my god! I love the little story of these women and how their lives transform in contact with your course. What a captivating way to present to our website readers who we serve and how they may be transformed! Thanks for sharing!

    Great ecourse! So much more than an “ecourse” a transformational journey you offer!!



    Penny Claringbull

    @davidj Thank you! I checked out your ideas on martial arts with kids and men/relationships – it’s great to see that kind of work happening. Especially as I have two sons and a very patient husband. Men are kind of close to my heart 🙂

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