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December 29, 2015 at 11:01 pm #6428
1. Name: Kenneth Clarkson
2. What I Do (150 characters): Nature connection program director and developer of curriculum for ninjas in nature youth and adult programs.
3. Kind of eCourse I’m excited to make (150 characters): We have mapped out the curriculum for a 5 level (ranking) training system for youth and adult and I have just completed the first level of training videos and curiiculum for the first level. We have a ranking system with 16 skills tracks (think merit badges), and regalia. I’m excited to make something out of the box that trains people remotely, and keeps people engaged and in a step by step process. Ultimately we are looking at a 3 prong approach of martial arts, healing art, and nature arts that build global communities around these arts.
4. What I am looking for in an Adventure Buddy (150 characters): Someone who is willing to give good critiques and not just polite feedback. Someone to hold me accountable. Someone who does not fear a guy in a chicken hat and a pig nose for a profile picture.
5. If you really knew me, you’d know that(150 characters) …I have a stuffed weasel (stars in our training videso), I once lived on a muskox/caribou research farm in Alaska, and my banjo survived lava falls three times thus far.December 30, 2015 at 4:21 pm #6534Ha!! I love the uniqueness of your buddy hunt Kenneth. Excited to see who shows up and says yes. Your programs look amazing.
Having done wilderness survival training, I know how valuable and transformational that type of work is.
Thank you for bringing people back to what’s real my friend!
December 30, 2015 at 4:21 pm #6536Ha!! I love the uniqueness of your buddy hunt Kenneth. Excited to see who shows up and says yes. Your programs look amazing.
Having done wilderness survival training, I know how valuable and transformational that type of work is.
Thank you for bringing people back to what’s real my friend!
December 30, 2015 at 10:03 pm #6553Hi Bradley,
Thanks! I’m really looking forward to this. I had to laugh- when I followed your humor infused demo of making the profile page with the wizard photo, I followed suit with a fall halloween chicken-pig photo. But when I went to the buddy hunt page I laughed out loud when I saw that I stood out in this category. I have to admit that it’s the unorthodox approach that you have that resonates for me, as it is similar to the training videos I’ve created thus far (don’t take ourselves too seriously).
I got a sense from watching your videos that you had some sort of similar wilderness training. What’s your background (what kind of training have you done?)
p.s. on a techno side, I thought you might want some feedback- I tried multiple times to respond to your previous messages on these pages to no avail using my phone (iphone 6, IOS 8.4.1). Had to go to my laptop. Also in replying using my mac/chrome on this page, whenever I hit the return button, it takes me down two return levels and I have to hit the back space to get back up one level. For example, if I hit return one time
I go all the way down here. It’s a micro thing, just kind of annoying. dont know if anyone else is having this.
Anyhow. I look forward to the journey.
December 30, 2015 at 10:53 pm #6556Ok, update 2.0 on the previous “hunting” post…
Although I realize that my desired buddy is in fact out there who actually has a fondness for a person with a profile picture of a human chicken-pig, I have come to terms with the fact that they may have been accidentally mis-directed to a Pepperidge Farm eCourse Adventure course by mistake, and not this course. Thus, I could keep waiting indefinitely.
Alas, disregard any aforementioned reference in my initial post to a chicken-pig. The weasel reference still stands, though my profile has morphed.
January 7, 2016 at 10:57 am #7537Hey Kenneth,
Cool vision!
Send us a message if you are interested in buddying up with us.
January 7, 2016 at 4:05 pm #7576Hi Kenneth,
Just saw your buddy hunt post and thought I’d get in touch because I’ve spent the last 7 years working with young people and sustainability/environmental awareness. My work involved catchment tours examining human impacts on wetlands/waterways and impacts on the Great Barrier Reef, plus working with schools, along loads of work in environmental communication and behaviour change. I was based in the northern tropics of Australia, although I’ve just moved south.
Looks like you have a bit of interest from other would-be buddies (plus there’s the time difference) so no worries if being buddies isn’t for you but I’d love to keep in touch and see what you do along the way. Or maybe we could have a buddy group? The others look great!
PS – Human chicken-pig? I have dressed up as a dugong/manatee (complete with ice-vest because a dugong suit is VERY hot in N. Queensland…) and a tern. I drew the line at the green tree ant costume – the thick green stockings were too much for me 🙂
January 7, 2016 at 4:34 pm #7580Hi there Penny,
Wow, what time is it down under? Sounds like a good match to me. Would love to partner up for this and trade some stories from down under. I went there back in the 90’s when I was doing bird work as biologist in Hawaii. Went to a bird conference down in Albany. Amazing journey. Anyhow, let me know if this is good and we can move forward from there.
All the best,
KennethJanuary 7, 2016 at 7:30 pm #7633Hi all
Can’t cipher how to change the subject line here to TAKEN using my iPhone so I’ll just post it here.Best
KennethJanuary 8, 2016 at 8:23 pm #7858Hey Kenneth @sojnab, try on your computer. It should be on the line where you made the post. Tagging @andyfreist in too in case you need more help. Glad you got your buddy!
January 10, 2016 at 12:13 pm #8323Kenneth, the Musk Ox Farm, University of Alaska, or other? Qiviut (musk ox undercoat) is an amazing fiber for making yarn. One book I published was Arctic Lace, by Donna Druchunas–a lot about Oomingmak co-op.
January 10, 2016 at 5:32 pm #8403Yes the large animal research station (LARS) at UAF. I went to grad school there. Lived on the farm. Took care of the musk ox. Baby musk ox are really cute
January 10, 2016 at 9:34 pm #8469Super, Kenneth! I’ve seen and used a variety of qiviut yarns. The LARS are the best I’ve had my hands on. Baby musk ox *are* really cute. I kinda like the big ones, too. Cool experience that you’ve had!
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