New Home Forums Build My Dream Team Taken: Trail Buddy Found and Ready to Ride

2 replies, 3 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 9 years, 1 month ago
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    Anonymous @

    Name:  Anne Gage
    What I Do:  I’m not another horse trainer and riding coach.  I help horsewomen build (or rebuild) their confidence around horses and riding.  Often, they have lost their confidence because they just can’t connect with their horses in the way they had dreamed of.  So, I teach them tools to help manage the mental gremlins, tools to help them communicate with their horses in a way that builds mutual trust and respect, and tools to improve how they ride their horses.

    Kind of eCourse I’m excited to make:  I have already created one eCourse about building confidence with horses and riding by winning the mental game.  It’s 5 videos with worksheets that students can watch at their own pace.  I would like to improve this course and market it much better.  I also want to create more eCourses on understanding equine body language and behaviour, and improving riding skills.

    What I am looking for in an Adventure Buddy:  I need a Buddy who will keep me focused and challenge me to move out of my comfort zone.  And who will give me honest feedback not platitudes.

    If you really knew me, you’d know that … I’m a bit of an introvert and speaking in public used to terrify me (I actually dropped courses in night school that required speaking in front of the class).  But, I pushed myself to overcome that fear because I wanted to be a teacher, and once had dreams of being a motivational speaker.  When there is something I really want, I do the work required to achieve it.

    I’m more of a ‘herder’ than a ‘hunter’.   I’m good at driving people forwards. 😉

    You can learn more about me and what I do here


    Trish Hyatt

    Whoopee Ki Yi Yay!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide


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