New Home Forums Build My Dream Team HUNTING: Ready to co-create something epic?

5 replies, 2 voices Last updated by  MoveThinkSmile (Adam & Elea) 7 years, 9 months ago
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    Brian Mack

    1. Name: Brian Mack

    2. What I Do (150 characters): Help mid-lifers get more out of life than go to work, even though they hate the daily grind.

    3. Kind of eCourse I’m excited to make (150 characters): An eCourse designed for mid-lifers that wants to live an epic life. A life filled with passion, purpose and fulfillment.

    4. What I am looking for in an Adventure Buddy (150 characters): My buddy must show up, deliver honest feedback, keep me on my toes, wants to create greatness and move from dabbling to mastery.

    5. If you really knew me, you’d know that(150 characters) … I strive to improve in all areas of my life, need a good mentor and want the best for others.


    MoveThinkSmile (Adam & Elea)

    Hey Brian,

    You’re up to some cool stuff and I think we might be a good match! Check out our post here , plus you get a two for one deal. 🙂

    We’re working on a course for people who are burntout…which is often mid-lifers.

    Let us know if you’d to buddy up as we go up the mountain! ~ ElĂ©a & Adam


    Brian Mack

    Hi Eléa & Adam,

    Thanks for considering me, I feel really stoked.
    Love your intro video, all that energy!

    Yes, I agree, we’re trying to help the same people. I’d be honoured to work with you.

    Let’s buddy up and SCREW IT, LET’S DO THIS!

    All the best





    MoveThinkSmile (Adam & Elea)

    Awesome! Let’s grab a online call via google hangouts or zoom and we can meet & greet.

    What’s your schedule like and what time zone are you in? ~ ElĂ©a (&Adam)


    Brian Mack

    Hi, I’m in South Africa, exactly 6 hours ahead of you.

    Let me set up Google Hangouts and Zoom. Will tomorrow at 1pm your time be suitable?

    I like your manifesto, you guys are on a roll. I might need your course!

    BTW, the gamification expert, Yu-kai Chou, the dude that’s on Wednesday’s coaching campfire; you can get his course on Udemy for $15 until tomorrow, it was $10 earlier today.

    Here’s the link


    MoveThinkSmile (Adam & Elea)

    Awesome thanks Brian for the heads up.

    1pm (EST) works for us. I can send you a zoom invite, if you shoot me your email address. You can send your into to

    Chat tomorrow and hope your soundly sleeping!

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