New Home Forums Build My Dream Team TAKEN : Prone to Bursts of Creativity!

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by  Kate Arms 9 years, 1 month ago
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    . Name: Cristin Platt
    2. What I Do : Database manager by day/ Texitile artist and Spritualist by night.
    3. Kind of eCourse I’m excited to make: I am starting by converting an in person Tarot Workshop into an eCourse. I also have an interest in converting other courses I already teach in person in to eCourses.  I am starting with this one because the content is already written and it will give me something to practice on as I learn the more technical parts.
    4. What I am looking for in an Adventure Buddy: Someone to hold me accountable and poke me when my home life jumps up and distracts me.  I have an 18yr old daughter who lives on her own and a 16yr old son with special needs who lives with me and at times they take time unexpectedly.  I am looking for someone who understands that but also is dedicated to getting to the top of this mountain.  I am committed to this journey and would really like someone with a similar mindset.  Content is secondary – I am looking for someone who is interested in the process.
    5. If you really knew me, you’d know that: I am a very creative person who has a wide range of experiences to draw on and I am wanting to make my passion of teaching accessible to all. I have a diverse range of interests from music, textiles, geeky stuff, history, metaphysics, and the list goes on.  I am very easy going but also very supportive.


    Kate Arms

    Thanks for messaging me. Excited to be buddies moving forward!



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