2. What I Do I am a psychotherapist in NYC I work with people who feel depressed or anxious. I also work with couples who need to notice they are in love with each other.
3. Kind of eCourse I’m excited to make I could use some help here this is the wild west for psychotherapists and I don’t have a lot of role models to lok to
4. What I am looking for in an Adventure Buddy someone who shows up and who will divide out time equally. Also some one who will speak their mind
5. If you really knew me, you’d know that I look like a deer in the headlights when I am learning but then all at once I start sprinting like a grey hound.
Hi there, can you send me some more info like your website? Looking for an additional buddy as i have not been able to connect to my previous buddy… I have a few businesses going and i am working with the burned out caregivers i,e nurses, family, co-dependents and I also am a RE Broker and RN..lol I think you can read my profile? Please contact me with more info please.. also, my FB is https://www.facebook.com/niki.king.980