New Home Forums Build My Dream Team Hunting: Let's be brutally honest & conquer this!

7 replies, 5 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 8 years, 11 months ago
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    1. Name: Carlene Ashby
    2. What I Do:
    I help people who are depressed to accept depression as a part of their lives and live happily anyway.
    I’m a life coach, a marketing nerd a serial entrepreneur and a brutally honest truth-seeker.
    3. Kind of eCourse I’m excited to make:
    A course that a depressive will be drawn to and will be able to revisit over and over. It will be a “draw your won map out of hell and make your own prescription for happiness”-thing. I want it to be interactive, with a buddy system, blogs, ecourses, tons of free resources, lots of expert interviews and articles and I’d love to send them something real in the mail to keep them connected. It might be jewellery or something to use as a touchstone throughout the day to remind them to “go in”.
    4. What I am looking for in an Adventure Buddy:

    Someone who is in Canada or is willing to call me if they are somewhere else (I only want to do phone calls and I have a Canada-wide plan only) I am on MST so being MST or PST would probably be best.

    Someone who will hold me accountable to specific tasks and help me find solutions to road blocks. (You also want this!)

    Someone who wants to follow the path along with the group and launch in May/June

    Someone who is busy and understands my hectic schedule but will still chat once a week. I work and travel a lot!

    Someone who has been successfully self-employed. (Because we’d understand each other more intimately, but this isn’t a deal-breaker:)

    5. If you really knew me, you’d know that…
    I am really creative and knowledgeable on a variety of subjects, great at coaching and helping you solve your issues but I am painfully bad at following through on making my dreams a reality. I have a vast knowledge of marketing and branding, I make websites, business cards and other marketing materials.  I am a pretty good graphic designer and I love learning. I am action-oriented, brave and willing to work hard!

    I currently help entrepreneurs find their ideal clients, make beautiful search engine-optimized websites with kick-ass content and spread their wings.  I work part-time as a manager of a chiropractic office and I want to be location independent by the end of the year:)


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    I love the vision for your course @carlene_guy

    Really clear and beautiful intentions. I’m excited to help you make it happen (and don’t worry about the tech side. We’ll fill you in when we cross that bridge).

    Looking forward to seeing who you buddy up with!




    Hardy LeBel


    I love brutal honesty! These days it’s rare to find anyone willing to be completely honest, or to accept honest feedback themselvs. I’ve never been a successful practitioner of the “criticism tucked between two compliments” style of communication.

    I think I might make a good partner for you. I love your idea of creating a perpetual resource class to help people battle depression, and I may be enough if a tech-nerd to help you implement some of your plans.

    Please take a look at my “Hunting” post and let me know if you think we mght be a good fit!

    – Hardy



    Awesome! <span class=”bbp-user-nicename”><span class=”handle-sign”>@</span>RazdByBears</span> Let’s do this! I think we will be great buddies!


    Awi Heidelmann

    Though I’m too late for this party already started … just wanted to give you a high five for being brutally honest!!! Most needed!


    andrea Bonsey

    I can really relate, Carlene 🙂





    Hey guys, I need a buddy! I have really fallen behind (I’m on step 2 of Arcitekt Forest) and I really want to launch with the rest of the group in May. Is there anyone who still needs a buddy that resonates with my description?


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Hey @carlene, happy to have you back on the trail.

    I saw someone named Helen who you may vibe with. Check her Buddy post out and make a connection 🙂

    Best thing to do is to cruise the buddy hunt wall. Anyone who’s taken will have “Taken” in their post title.

    Happy buddy hunting!

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