New Home Forums Build My Dream Team Taken – inspiring and creative buddy

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by  Tatiana Tiess 9 years, 1 month ago
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    Aloha, I”m Sarah

    I am a waldorf mama of three, a doula, teacher, rolfer, ayurvedic practitioner and a health and wealth coach with a beautiful soulful super foods company called purium. I have built a number of businesses from the ground up including a wedding videography company my husband and I own – I also teach at a women’s gathering called Spirit Weavers and am excited to pull together the resources at my fingertips through the amazing powerful group of women and teachers in that community.
    I’m putting together a course aimed a mothers to support them in discovering and embracing their amazing mama selves while integrating the deeper soul elements that existed before baby arrived. Self care, self love, and raising conscious leaders among other topics.
    I’m calling in a grounded and committed buddy who can communicate efficiently and deeply, who has great creative vision and can give and receive constructive guidance from the heart. I am not envisioning daily deep dive calls, mom life keeps my communications fairly short and sweet. I’m ready to rock this and launch by may 13 and am looking for someone who wants to take things to the next level.
    5. If you really knew me, you’d know that I had three home births, one in south america, and I believe in dreaming big and in the creative power of commitment and intention. I also love to dance 🙂


    Tatiana Tiess

    Hi Sarah, I resonate with your post a lot. I don’t have any children of my own just yet, but my desire is to have 3. My partner and I are running gymnastics school for kids, so I am not a newbie to kiddos.

    I am also deeply curious about Ayurveda and have been reading books on this topic.

    In my coaching practice I teach women about self-love and self care and we do mindset work. It is my purpose to help women self-actualize and self-realize.

    I am deeply passionate about shining my light in the world. I have a big vision.

    I would love to support you on your journey and take our work to the next level!

    Would you like to explore the opportunity of being my buddy?

    P.S. I love to dance too!

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