1. Name:Yarrow Willard
2. What I Do: I am a Herbalist that runs a herbal company and shares information about plant medicine
3. Kind of eCourse: (courses)… I’m excited to make a few… but don’t want to bite of more then I can Chew. 😉
The Course I am looking to make this season is one on Herbal Pharmacy
Looking to create mostly video content with some written and some pictures
Starting with wild foraging and connecting with plants
Then covering 20-30 methods of working with plants as medicine.
4. What I am looking for in an Adventure Buddy: Someone that has good follow through,
Some one that is interested in creating high quality content that goes deep into the subject they are sharing.
Someone that is an expert in their field and wants to keep current with the trends that are out there in the ever progressive internet world.
5. If you really knew me, you’d know that: I don’t take life too seriously, I love to work, I am busier then most 2 people put together, I move really fast, I vision often from the 3000ft level, I have a messy process, but create amazing beauty in the world.
6. Bonus Questions- Why I need a buddy: I am often juggling many hats- Business owner, Herbalist, parent, partner, house man, shameless social media poster child.. and new idea generator.
So if I am to succeed in following through with my commitment to get this amazing course up and running, I need someone that is also in this creation mode to keep me accountable and inspired to comment to the follow through of getting to launch date.
I am sooooooo excited to see you starting this journey @yarrow. Having watched the evolution of your videos the last year+. I just know you are going to get ridiculously inspired from this and create something epic!! Whoever you buddy up with is gonna be one lucky duck. I definitely know there are some others on the mountain who would be very much in alignment with you. @chrisg, you and @yarrow would be great friends I think!