New Home Forums Build My Dream Team Hunting Detirmined and Enthusiastic Buddy

0 replies, 1 voice Last updated by  Alchemy Jeff 9 years ago
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  • #13387

    Alchemy Jeff

    1. Name: Jeff Kuipers

    2. What I Do:
    Visual Effects, Virtual Reality, Art and Photography

    3. Kind of eCourse I’m excited to make:
    How to become a VFX artist for Video Games

    4. What I am looking for in an Adventure Buddy:
    Willing to show up, Get Shit Done, Have loads of fun, offer suggestions and give encouragement for the progress we make together.

    5. If you really knew me, you’d know that …
    My passion is creating my own art and setting up ‘Transformation Projects’ events in cities around the world.

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