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Luma Malone 9 years ago

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New Home › Forums › Build My Dream Team › TAKEN : Buddy for Mind Expanding Journey
Hello I’m Luma~Catherine.
My primarily work is facilitating transformational sessions as an Akashic Records / Multi-Dimensional Insight Consultant. I also dj and facilitate ecstatic dances, weave magic scarves, am part of a subtle sonic activism collective, do lots of creative writing, and am an active participant in evolutionary spirituality practice circles and peer led experiential retreats. I have also taught yoga, chanting and meditation. When I am not doing, I am mostly just Being in beautiful places in nature.
What kind of e-course I want to create:
I envision creating an inter-dimensional education and orientation platform where I guide people on experiential inner journeys. Participants will learn to do things like; integrate their multi-dimensional selves, feel their own amazing soul goodness, open new portals of perception, glean jewels of wisdom from challenging life experiences, clear out obsolete programming and collective karmic debris, activate stellar brilliance and really feel wonder and love infusing every molecule of their being.
I’m seeking an experienced travel buddy who can hold space and is good listener. Someone who can hear the difference between expressing from a deeper place of knowing or falling into an old repeating ego story, is comfortable witnessing vulnerability, is curious about what is emerging, can lean into growing edges, give compassionately firm nudges when needed, and is able to laugh when things get crunchy.
If you really knew me, you’d know that I am an interstellar kick ass galactic warrior-wild elemental forest fairy-witchy wise woman-magic portal finder-sonic light weaving dancer-super multi-sensory empath-consciouness expanding human. And my wild curly hair is highly sensitive antennae.
Ps I am currently located in Toronto, EST zone, though will soon be migrating back to the westcoast PST zone.
You sound epic and awesome! Actually have some ideas which fit really well with your mix of dance, music, and portals into other spaces..definitely we should chat.
Ps, I like how you have the ‘correct’ spelling of Catherine ;-p 🙂
Luma I think we both forgot to put taken on our buddy hunting posts 🙂 I”m about to do that now, excited to be dancing the path together..! Friday is a good day for me to connect, looking forward to it!
Hi Sarah, Just figured out and mark taken on my buddy post. VERY excited to partner up with you! My day is totally open tomorrow, so name your time, any time before 5pm your time.
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