I’m a science writer and a graphic designer. I create fun digital outer space-themed adventures for families to enjoy together.
3. Kind of eCourse I’m excited to make (150 characters):
I’m planning to create an eCourse to help parents create all sorts of space and sci-fi themed printables to get their kids interested in science, technology, and the future. It’s sneaky
4. What I am looking for in an Adventure Buddy (150 characters):
Someone who is fun, creative, and will keep me on the map – I tend to wander off 😉
5. If you really knew me, you’d know that(150 characters) …
I cry at anything sappy/sad/sweet, I love animals, and I tend to anthropomorphize animals and nature. Also, I like to quote movies, etc because soundbites go off in my head – it goes with being a writer, I think 😉