New Home Forums Build My Dream Team HUNTING

5 replies, 5 voices Last updated by  nikiking 8 years, 12 months ago
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  • #10390

    Katie Branter

    Answer the following questions in your thread:
    1. Name: Katie
    2. What I Do (150 characters): naturopathic physician
    3. Kind of eCourse I’m excited to make (150 characters):100 days of healing
    4. What I am looking for in an Adventure Buddy (150 characters):someone who’s motivated and excited to mastermind with me! I wanna rock this e course adventure and would love feedback on my ideas as well.
    5. If you really knew me, you’d know that(150 characters) …I am seriously ambitious and excited to help our fellow earth dwellers light their healing Fire!


    Akasha Madron

    Hi Katie,
    If you are still looking, I would be interested in being your buddy. I like your commitment and drive. I take being a buddy very seriously (but not solemnly) and would be enthusiastic to make it work.

    I want to create eCourses on boundaries and protection. These would be aimed toward people or healers who are sensitive to energy, or those who tend to channel or absorb energy indiscriminately into their body, or those who give their energy away. There will be a lot of exploration to strengthen one’s inner self and intuition. There would also be adventures in perceiving and shaping energy, grounding and protecting physical spaces and gathering together a team of guardians and allies for daily navigation, among other things. I also want to create one for parents to help them teach their children or teens.

    I do a lot of body/mind/spirit/emotion integration and acceptance type healing with people and everything I do comes from the place of going deeper into body and staying there. I have learned that the more grounded you are the further and safer you can fly.

    I am normally in Berkeley, CA so we would be in the same time zone. Right now I am in Maryland until the end of this month and then I go home.

    I hope you have lots of fun on your journey here,




    Hi Akasha

    I am interested in being your buddy.
    I have studied energy techniques for the last 24 years and am a very sensitive being who is a parent and values the content that you are teaching.
    I used to teach inner transformation with sound for many years in San francisco.
    I currently live in Byron Bay Australia so I could mostly connect your afternoon or evenings?
    I have sold a product called the Amethyst Biomat for 12 years and mentor a global sales team via Skype while living internationally.
    I have a membership website that helps people transform their fear of being a sales person into being of service and living their life by Design. I simultaneously teach how to build and strategize to build a passive income.

    I am looking to enliven and update my Biomat distributor website to be more fun with videos(Which I have been resisting.)

    I miss the Californian mindset~ Let me know if your interested.



    HI Katie,
    I would love to be your buddy, if you are still on the hunt!



    when you say 100 days of healing; can you define this for me a bit more? Love the topic!



    can you give me your website address also? would love to see what your doing and where you are located.. thanks so much.. Niki

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