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January 7, 2016 at 8:08 pm #7639
My work as a psychotherapist focused on the synthesis of physical, mental, emotional, and Spirit for optimal well-being. Over the years I studied a variety of approaches to “meaning making.” I am a devotee of Mystery–Nature, the Universe, the BIG picture to which we all belong. Trees, nature are especially amazing to me. Archetypal stories. Symbols. Spiritual Mystery. These are the playgrounds that I once danced in freely before I committed to being “normal.” And to which I have now returned with great relief and joy. I travel the worlds of this ordinary life, and the one that lies beyond the limitation of words and even our limited cognitions. Words like “magic” and “mystery” hold energy for me. And they are always accompanied by the word “practical.” Of what use is the “noetic” if it doesn’t aid us in living well, creating beautiful things, solving important problems in new and positive ways?
I had a near death experience 2 years ago. I closed my private practice. Returned my license. And embarked on an adventure to explore and discover and understand everything I can about the nature of “BLISS.” To perhaps encourage–seed– a new paradigm. I want to create a course–courses–that evoke hope, excitement, challenge to change and grow beyond limiting beliefs, encourage a rare kind of positivity, trust in self, openness and sense of well-being. That encourage the “spiritually untamed” and “differently” gifted people I work with to trust their “wyrd”. An anglo-saxon term pointing to our personal destiny as it relates to the choices we make when we trust nature and our own specialized, uncommon nature. “Wyrd”, the word from which “weird” and “word” are derived. And the pre-cursor of Joseph Campbell’s notions about “Bliss.”
I am going to create a course that encourages the community of spiritually untamed, uniquely gifted brave hearts that I serve to explore the farthest reaches of their personal BLISS. To establish community. To delight in their person nature. And to be unafraid. For purposes of claiming the life that they came here to live AND to be able to fulfill the specialized work they feel called to do. It will be fun, exciting, challenging, provocative, informative, supportive, and life opening.
That’s the woo woo. I have a pretty good idea about what content I wish to develop.
I am in hopes of finding a buddy who is a bit more technologically savvy than I am, and in exchange I offer a keen ear for discerning what has energy, holds attraction, and invites participation. I have been told–and believe it is correct–that I have a rare and keen capacity for clarity–cutting through what doesn’t belong. I am supportive of others and can deliver laser focused feedback in a manner that is totally kind, considerate and respectful. I also am very interested in receiving positive encouragement and HONEST feedback about what must be amended, strengthened, deleted, etc. for highest possible value. Sometimes I just can’t tell.
I intend to incorporate video, audio, group interaction, instruction, meditation, journaling, music, movement and stillness, imagining. It is me and my team of 1 – my sister VA who is helping me. So lots to learn about creation, delivery, momentum, engagement, etc.
January 7, 2016 at 9:19 pm #7657Wow, what an exciting, thought-provoking and awesome intro! I’m also a devotee of Joseph Campbell, and I merge my rational side with my intuitive and creative side. Everything you’re saying really resonates with me. I have “follow your bliss” engraved on my iPad, along with a quote from Eudora Welty, “all true daring comes from within.”
I would be thrilled to be your buddy! I’m fairly tech savvy, and what I don’t know I’m always prepared to learn. I’m an excellent editor and I’ve created classes and directed plays before, so I have a good ear for what sounds right, as well as a very good sense of how the written word will read.
January 8, 2016 at 5:20 am #7720JoAnn, thank you for your message. I think we will make mutually excellent buddies. I am still figuring out all of the little details of communicating via this format, so will also post this message to your wall.
Thanks so much for reaching out. And thank you also for the Eudora Welty quote–love it! -
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