New Home Forums Progress Logs How Mars progresses

70 replies, 8 voices Last updated by  Mars 7 years ago
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    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    FUN!!!! Can’t wait to see the magical media you make!



    So a quick update and popping some ideas down.

    I had lunch with a friend today and was talking to him about my doing an amazing eCourse to create amazing eCourse. Told him all about my bag shop theme and I saw his face light up with ideas.

    He thought about the concept of getting to the mountain summit and said that whilst he loved my idea, he felt it could promise progression and be richer. So we talked about the bag shop becoming the summit. The different journeys would take you from working on the factory floor, through promotions  – eg factory manager, shop worker – to being handed the keys to your own shop or exclusive bag line for the top stores. So the ultimate prize is your custom made bag being front and centre in the luxury bag shop.

    As you work, you gather bonuses, rewards and awards. These entitle you to different ‘wise woman’ sessions. So much to think about.

    Currently playing with the video footage, and nailing down my script. Am becoming aware how quickly this month is moving.



    Okay. Time to update the progress log.

    It’s been a busy birthing month, which I’m thankful for. I haven’t done much on my mini course for the past couple of weeks – combination of births and the August challenge. So I need to get to grips with the mini eCourse. The August challenge has been good for me and spurred me on, so I think I’m going to look through the July challenge and use the timelines, guidelines etc to get this mini eCourse done. So I need to have the course complete by the end of September and pre sales done.

    So time to get busy with it. I’m away for a week mid September and I’m going to use that time to do some filming. May as well use the gorgeous Spanish back drops whilst I have them. Then I’ll have the last week to do editing etc (cos clearly one August challenge has made me an editing expert lol) and the launch date for the mini course will be set.

    Meanwhile, I shall pour it all out here and probably call on your amazing support, which is what got me through the finish line with the challenge. Might as well strike whilst the iron is hot and I’m still smiling at completing my first ever challenge.

    So.. time to focus. Build my outline. Story board. Script. Film. Edit. Re Edit. Launch. Probably loads in between but as a fellow GEA member said.. ‘Time to shit on the pot, or get off”


    Laura Koller

    @mars – You are grabbing the bull by the horns!  I love that you’ve got strong ideas, you’re sharing them with others, and you’re setting ambitious goals.  You are a go-getter!!!  I’m looking forward to seeing your progress and all the incredible material that you create.  After seeing you in action this past month, I’ve no doubts that you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to do 🙂


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    I can hear your powerful roar over here in the west coast @Mars!

    Pushing through these challenges is such an empowering thing to do. Proud of you and excited to see your mini course come to life.



    Thank you @bradleytmorris and @laurakoller




    Just waiting for the September campfire to be started. Woke this morning to see what the new challenge was and I’m in! About to hop a train to see a client, but I feel a couple of ideas rolling in. I have my notebook. Hopefully by this afternoon I will have a good idea of what I want to do with the 10 episodes and where I want to put them.

    Mustn’t get distracted from the mini eCourse though. Want that up and running by October. Goodness me… this is exciting!



    SEPTEMBER CHALLENGE: Have started my campfire and am collating the stories for the episodes.

    MINI ECOURSE: I’ve worked out my lesson titles, will work out the order of them later.


    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Is Doulaing Your Bag?</p>
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Introduction – Lining your basket</p>
    Working on what I want to happen here. I’m currently thinking it will be quick video explaining what a doula is – maybe some interview videos/mp3s.

    Visuals will be a plain basket with some different fabrics
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Lesson one – Knickers</p>
    This will be the beginning of ‘winning’ basket items. (need to learn gamification)

    Lesson overview – Being away for an unspecified amount of time
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Lesson two – Crystals</p>
    Lesson overview – Spiritual or non spiritual. Who are you? What kind of doula are you hoping to be
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Lesson three – Birth plan</p>
    Lesson overview – Advice versus Support. What’s the doula’s role
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Lesson four – Porridge/Water/Snacks</p>
    Lesson overview – How do you find support? What keeps you going
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Lesson five – Journal and pen</p>
    Lesson overview – Reflecting. Being mentored.
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Lesson six – Oils</p>
    Lesson overview – Self care
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Lesson seven – AIMS booklet*</p>
    Lesson overview – Continued study
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Lesson eight – Cash</p>
    Lesson overview – What do you/could you earn as a doula?
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Lesson nine – Keys</p>
    Lesson overview – Do you become a doula or change direction?
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Conclusion – what happens next?</p>
    Do you keep the basket and go on to become a doula, or do you put it back and take up the rucksack and keep looking for the thing that brings you joy?

    If you choose the rucksack, you get a ‘thank you for participating message’ over the image of a road map or something.

    If you choose the basket, you get led to a short video welcoming you to Abuela Doulas (my training website) where you receive a 15% discount on the Doula Preparation Workshop.


    I would want to insert video interview clips from the doulas that I interview. (Yes @bradleytmorris I’m nailing down the questions) and have them as complete audio/videos for the participants to download.

    I also need to work out what the action is that gains each item for the basket. So that’s where I am at the moment. About to fill in a dozen lesson plans.

    I welcome your thoughts.


    *AIMS – Association for Improvements of Maternity Services – UK organisation






    @mars – I felt it was time to “meet” you a little more. 🙂

    I love your website — you have a very welcoming and engaging voice (and I mean more than just the sound that comes from your throat).

    Since I’m only just jumping in now, I don’t feel I can contribute too much to the above lesson outline but I do want to say it looks fantastic!! I’m assuming this is what Bradley and Andy call a “Day Trek” — the “Vision Quest” being the next step if students keep their basket?

    I’ve missed your notes about your “Walk in the Park”, which may already offer this information, but I’m going to ask anyway because I’m truly curious: what kind of formal education does a doula have to have? Is there any sort of certification process, like I’ve just been through to become a yoga teacher?

    (Side note: I so love your accent! While my family is British decent, I’m a Canadian through and through … and we don’t have accents, eh? LOL)




    @toweller don’t tell anyone. I’m just blagging it. I have only been here for six weeks.


    You don’t need formal training to become a doula, it is common though for doulas to undertake some form of training. No qualifications needed.



    I have connected with my mountain buddy @fiona We’re going to get along just fine.

    So I’ve been thinking about real life exercises to go with the lessons. They are coming to me slowly, but I’ll pop them down as I think of them.

    Knickers – being away for an unspecified amount of time.

    Exercise: Turn off your phone and all social media for a specified amount of time, then report back to the group as to how it felt for you and if your radio silence caused comment.

    Crystals – spiritual or non-spiritual. What kind of doula are you?

    Exercise: Choose a crystal that you know nothing about and find out about it. Give a short 1-2 min presentation on it to share with the group

    I’m thinking about the other exercises.

    Once an exercise is complete, you ‘win’ the item for your basket.



    I’m home from my holiday in Spain. I took the decision to completely relax whilst away, which meant I didn’t do any work on the September challenge. I’ll get to work on that tomorrow. The same is true of my mini eCourse which I really need to get launched soon as I’m expecting a lot of traffic to my website.



    So, a quick update.

    I’ve written my sales letter. I’ve been challenged to also do it as a video – so my creative juices are flowing, I hope. I’m going to have to get my middle daughter to help I think.

    I’ve completed a couple of mini challenges today. The manifesto and the video introduction.

    Need to make time this weekend to get the September challenge in the bag. No point in having an station with nothing on it.

    I also need to finish working out what the lessons for the remaining items in the doulaing basket are. Then I need to start filming and working on some creative pdfs and calls to action. Will probably make more use of for creative documents and downloads.


    Laura Koller

    I love your passion and productivity!  No nonsense!!

    i followed the link to your site.  I was interested in reading about your award and instead read the story about how you delivered your friends baby. What a beautiful story about a sad time. I love the heart you bring to your practice. That’s exactly the attitude that I want to teach in my eCourse and I will keep your story in my heart as I move forward.



    Thank you @laurakoller That means a lot.

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