New Home Forums Watercooler / Off-Topic How has a a significant Teacher influenced your life? (story time)

5 replies, 4 voices Last updated by  Mars 6 years, 10 months ago
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    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    I loved this video and wanted to see how a certain influential teacher impacted your life and the direction you took?

    If you have a cool story, please share it after watching this heart-warming video.

    We have a profound opportunity to impact the lives of so many people by building our courses!


    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    This moved me to tears! So touching! Makes me want to be an even better teacher. Amazing how we all touch lives and don’t realize the extent of it! If I think of one teacher who stands out I’ll comment again, right now so many little things about many teachers are coming up- genuine caring, honesty, holding space… teachers really are amazing! This is great to see to really be mindful and realize how much good you can do! Take your passion add compassion and let the magic happen! Teach on!


    Laurie Heer

    I took Algebra 3 times in high school, each time earning “D”. Back in the day, a “D” would give your credit towards graduation, but not allow you to continue to a higher math class. Algebra = Sophomore, Junior and Senior years. Yuck. Then I went to college. And guess what? I had to take Algebra again….. and again. The second time I decided to just live in the professor’s office. It was a rocky start. He was never in his office during office hours. I had to complain to the department head to get him to show up. It was clear that I was not welcome there. One day in total frustration he got up and erased all the variables on the board. Gone were the ‘X =’ and ‘a2 +b2 =c2’s  He replaced them with blobs. And stars. And even the occasional funny face. Like magic, all of the sudden I could do Algebra. Thanks to this man I made it through Calculus III without having to repeat another class.

    I like to think it ended on a positive for both of us 🙂



    Our 6th form (year 12 + 13) English teacher was a huge influence on me and the way I enjoy my life.

    We were 16, studying English Literature. Ms Cartwright was not easy. She could strike you down with a single glance or phrase, consequently we all took time to listen to her and make sure we could answer her questions.

    We would study plays and then she would take us to the theatre to see them. The influencing was when she would then take us back to her house and give us wine, cheese and crackers. Before you gasp.. the alcohol laws are very different in the UK. We all felt so grown up. It tipped me from a deep love of reading to a deep love of the theatre. Because of Ms Cartwright, I’m at the theatre as often as I can be and I’m now a trustee of two theatres. I will always be grateful to her for my love of theatre and the many, many hours of joy it brings me.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Amazing! I think I would have had a lot more love for school if my teachers brought me out drinking too when I was a teenager @mars. She sounds like a great teacher and she did her job well. Have you ever written her to thank her or told her how much she influenced you?



    I never did and I found out a few years ago that she died. I was so upset. I talk about her often to people when they ask why I love the theatre so much.

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