New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines How do you know when you're being true to you?

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    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    This seems to be one of the main themes of my 11 year entrepreneurial journey: Being true to myself.

    I’d love to hear from the community:

    1. How do you know when you’re being true to yourself and when you’re out of alignment?

    2. What is your gauge?

    3. What tools or methods do you use to get back on track when you’re off course?

    I really believe that IF we are self aware and curious about our actions and intentions, then we are always on the right path because there is always an opportunity for discovery.

    For 98% of my entrepreneurial journey I always felt like something was slightly off. When we had the idea for the GEA, it was like something clicked and we had a “this is it” moment.

    How will you recognize your “This is it” moment or how did you recognize it?

    Looking forward to hearing your answers!


    Akasha Madron

    The Moon is one of the planets that indicates how you connect with and communicate to your soul.  Also it is easiest, I find to perceive what your soul is saying via your body’s reactions.

    Due to an unaspected Moon in the 12th house in my birth chart, my body has figured out that I can’t hear it very well if it talks too subtly.  12th house means it is hard to access and there are no connections to other planets to access it with.  As a result, I know I am out of alignment or being untrue to my self when I commit to something and I get a sinking feeling of despair in my belly and I feel like someone has just handcuffed me.  I know I am in the wrong place or in the wrong project if I start to feel suicidal.  Extreme I know, but at least now I know it is my fire alarm and handle it immediately.

    I have also found that if I am on the wrong path a lot of obstacles crop up.  It is not thrilling, but stressful and draining.  I start getting injured for no apparent reason.  People or door frames bump into me as if my aura doesn’t exist.

    I know I am on the right path, when I feel liberated, excited and determined no matter how hard things are.  When I am energized by things rather than drained.  When I feel large and spacious.

    To get myself back into alignment, I stop and ask my body what it is that is wrong.  In pinpointing what the problem is, I address it or get myself out of there fast.   I will often do a ritual to formalize the change.  I tend to do magic a lot for shifting things or figuring things out.  Which inspires me to do a Walk in the Park video for how to get to the heart of the matter in an easy magical way. Glad I answered this question!






    Sharyn Warren

    When I am being true to myself, when I am firing harmoniously on all channels–body, mind, heart and spirit–things flow. Creative ideas just pop into my head, I am more courageous, visible, articulate, honest, happy.

    When I am out of alignment–which has been much of the time in this whole biz development scene–I either:

    1.  feel like I am slogging through quicksand, moving at a snail’s pace, everything is forced, unnatural, over whelming and depleting; 2. taking action (because don’t you know you are supposed to do that to prove your commitment) that ends up making me look foolish, insincere, inept; or 3. I become completely paralyzed, totally resistive and unable to take a single step forward, become invisible, hide out for weeks, sometimes months at a time.

    What restores me to myself? Re-connecting with LOVE. Remembering that I love my clients and they are waiting to hear from me. Remembering that I love those whom I don’t yet know yet who are meant to travel with me for a while. Remember that Spirit is with me and loves me. Remember to love myself. That most of all. And that I am invited to do whatever I really want to. No one and nothing is making me, nor expects me to do anything that I do not wish to do. When I am feeling’ the love, things just flow.

    I am really, really hoping, wanting to get my e-courses created and launched. I really want them to be of value and service to my spirit family. And to be of value and service to my own exploration of “bliss.” However, I also accept that if the purpose of this entire exercise–this whole “climb up the mountain” has been to strengthen, evolve, depend, widen, expand beyond limits my own sourcing of Love, then it will have served me beautifully. And I will be ready to kick ass in the next lifetime.

    One way or another, this climb is as much about being true to myself as it is about creating a great e-course.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Wow, I love both your answers @SharynWa and @mysticsparkling.

    Similar to you Akasha, I do a lot of body talk as well. This entire journey of building the GEA has brought up quite a lot of stress (mostly due to exhaustion) so I’ve had to be extra kind to myself as I go.

    It’s a funny thing, knowing I’m on the perfect path for me AND at the same time, needing to keep my energy balanced so I don’t burn out. Definitely evolving as we go!

    Sharyn, I appreciate what you say about this journey being about being true to yourself just as much as it is about creating an eCourse and YES we are gonna create you one of those!!!!! (this life time)

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