My name is: Helene Caura
I teach: online learning design 😉
Why I signed up for The Great eCourse Adventure: Because, as a learning designer who loves fun stuff and originality, I’m curious to see what these fun guys have created!
What kind of e-course I want to create: I am not sure an eCourse will be the answer to what I want to do, which is helping coaches create efficient, transformative ecourses.
What makes me come most alive is: any small beauty, curious thing, fun detail, a special moment, a smell, a look, a smile, a chocolate 😉
Have fun everybody!
PS: we can’t see who started a thread in the forum, we can only see who replied last (unless I’m mistaken).
It took me a while to figure out that “who wrote it” v. “who replied last” thing in the comment displays. The replied last person is at the far right and SEEMS like the name to pay attention to, but the originator’s name is just below the post’s title.