New Home Forums Introductions Hello I'm Bee the Mirth Coach

10 replies, 7 voices Last updated by  Eunita L 8 years, 2 months ago
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    Eunita L

    Mirth Coach?
    like Birth Coach?

    Yeah, but instead of being there to bring babies into the world, I’m there to help people bring Laughter, Silliness, Play, and Joy back into their lives.
    Yepper peppers – I am a Mirth Coach.

    And I’m here to create a course!

    My other careers have been backstage theater (Costumes and Stage Management). I worked with Equity houses, Broadway actors and even toured with Disney On Ice. I still love costumes, I just moved to a city that did not have a professional theater.

    Then I catapulted into Education and now have my Social Studies 7-12 Masters Degree, but I’m not using it in my day to day life, but am ever grateful I went for my Teacher training. Life is a Grand Classroom, and we are all students and teachers at the same time. High School Classroom not required. All the World is a Stage, and we are all merely players.

    Discovered Laughter Yoga by fortuitous accident. Laughter for the health of it is amazing!

    Third phase — Seven years of Marketing, marketing, small businesses, solopreneurs, marketing, marketing. Great fun, and its really all about relationship building. Learned along the way that people thrive and are wildly successful if they have an accountability cheerleader. In an age of hyper social media connection, we ache for relationships and true connections with business and people. Knowing someone else cares about the new risks you are taking, new worlds and ideas you are exploring and having accountability makes all the difference! I am an encourager. Reach out to me anytime during this Mountain Climb for encouragement or accountability.

    Lately my career title is Professional in-house long term overnight pet sitter. When folks leave to travel and do not want to kennel their pets and want lots of texts, pictures detailing their animals and home life, I’m the one for the job! I love my Housesitting/petsitting nomad life. Now its time to create my life as a digital business nomad with my Laughter Yoga leadership. Hello Course Creation!

    Its a delight to meet you all!

    Go out there and do great things!
    Make it a Laughing day!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    LOL – Mirth Coach. I love it and I love your description of what it is even more.

    Given your fun, silly and wonderful passions I am SO EXCITED to see the creative, engaging eCourse you create on this journey up the mountain. Guaranteed good times with you in the crew!

    Thanks so much for saying yes @bee


    Awi Heidelmann

    hey Bee… queen that is? lol Sounds all very creative that you do. And we share the passion as “accountability cheerleader”, encourager! I am always driven when I feel and see peoples talents and genius to have them receive the visibilty and connection with the people they are here to touch. Good to have you here.

    Yes pod is great tho we are 4 already but I think you would be an awesome addition. What you all say @peggy, @calliope6 , @mysticsparkling ? A skype meet-up once a month? Or somethignlike that?

    Blissings and cosmic giggles,



    @awi, @calliope6 , @mysticsparkling, @bee sounds good to me to meet ounce a month 🙂


    Akasha Madron

    I second that! And once a month works for me too.



    Eunita L

    Rockin’ awesome! I’m in, I’m soooo totally in! Hooray! Thank you for arranging a Pod Of Awesome!


    Catherine Fox

    @bee – hello! I LOVE this concept of being a Mirth Coach — also very much agree with “in an age of hyper social media connection, we ache for relationships and true connections with business and people”. I’ve ditched my facebook account for now because actually I’d rather make real connections with people who I really care about. Thanks for what you are doing and I’m looking forward to getting to see more from you


    Awi Heidelmann

    Hi there, @mysticsparkling @bee @peggy @calliope6 (i can never remember that handle) I sent you all a doodle invitation to set up our calls for the next 3 month. Can you check your emails please. Or this link may work
    Would be great to fill your availablies in and leave your skypeID in the comments so we can make this work.

    Looking forard to it!
    Cheers, Awi



    Hello there, so we have a meeting tonight podsistars.

    I know we are going to try it on Skype – but i have joined this gotomeeting conference call thing – and have a free 30 day trial – which i am eager to see how well it works as I want to use it for online teaching.

    It might be a bit late in the day – I told Awi about it already – but didn’t have your emails to send yous the info.

    Maybe we want to give it a try? Or maybe we don’t! I guess we could initially connect on Skype – though my experience of group meetings on there is the technology doesn’t always deliver – and see if there is a consensus to go to the conference call if it feels easy enough? And maybe if it works we could take it in turns to trial it – and have free access for the next three or four meets?

    Anyways here is da link

    Love love and powa for your days

    <div id=”meeting-subject” class=”subject overflow-ellipsis” data-bind=”html: meetingSettings().subject”>New Meeting</div>
    <div data-bind=”text: dateString”>Tue, Jan 26, 2016 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM GMT</div>
    <ul class=”list-unstyled”>
    <ul class=”list-unstyled”>

  • <div id=”meeting-start-instructions” data-bind=”text: joinInstructions”>Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.</div>
    <ul class=”list-unstyled”>

  • <span id=”text-dial-in”>You can also dial in using your phone.</span>
    <div id=”pstn-numbers-list” data-bind=”foreach: primarynumber”>
    <div><span id=”country-name” data-bind=”attr: {country:$, country-name: $data.countryName}”>United States <span id=”toll-number” data-bind=”html: $data.displayNumber”>+1 (872) 240-3212</span></span></div>
    <span id=”access-code” data-bind=”attr: { ‘access-code’ : formattedMeetingId() }”>Access Code:</span> <span data-bind=”html: formattedMeetingId()”>860-275-789</span>

Bradley Morris
Mountain Guide

Welcome back to the mountain Rebecca!!

How’s your year been? Ready to create some awesomeness!?


Eunita L

Yes — I have been hustling behind the scenes all year. Progress has been happening!



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