New Home Forums Introductions Hello from Karryn

2 replies, 3 voices Last updated by  Waymatea 9 years ago
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    Karryn Olson-Ramanujan

    My name is: Karryn Olson-Ramanujan

    I teach: women in permaculture (who typically already have the “social” and “ecological” parts of a sustainability-based biz, but lack biz skills) to integrate an Abundance Model (as opposed to a biz model) so that they can thrive in their right livelihood.

    Why I signed up for The Great eCourse Adventure: I’m already offering online courses and love it, and love the women I work with. I put a LOT of time into the website, trainings, and support in transformations. Many of my clients have financial blocks or challenges, so the amount of work I put in is not commensurate with the amount of money I’m making, and I’m dedicated to keeping investments low to accelerate the number of women leading in permaculture. Therefore, I want to have a longer term option to offer my services without all the behind the scenes work so that I can focus on just supporting my clients.

    What kind of e-course I want to create: What I’m doing, but automated, yet with all of the awesome transformations and community building I already offer…

    What makes me come most alive is: dance/movement; audaciousness; travel; nature; growing things; my family; multi-cultural exchange; my Faith; serving audaciously; learning how to be fierce in defense of life and what’s precious


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Wow + Yes @Karryn!

    So pumped to have you here on the journey with us.

    Business, Abundance, Permaculture & Women Empowerment…

    All things we are so pumped to support!!!

    I cannot wait to see what creative, fresh eCourse ideas you bring to the group. It’s gonna be fun to climb this mountain with you!



    Hi Karryn,

    So nice to meet you here:) I wish you the best in streamlining and automating your e-offerings and expanding your dream in this program.


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