New Home Forums Introductions Hello from Cristin

15 replies, 13 voices Last updated by  sharon Lock 8 years, 6 months ago
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    My name is: Cristin Platt
    I teach: music, textile art, historical texiles, and metaphysics.
    Why I signed up for The Great eCourse Adventure: I want to be able to make courses for myself and also to assist some of my aging mentors to get their lifes work accessible to the world as they are no longer able to travel and teach as they once did.
    What kind of e-course I want to create: There will be a variety – I have huge plans and a list.  Everything from hands on creative things to introductions for deeper in person learning.
    What makes me come most alive is: watchig the light of understanding cross a face in front of me.  It amazes me every time I witness someone have a break through – it could be anything they are learning – but that moment is magial.

    Other tidbits – I am a single parent to a special needs child who goes through times of calm and times of struggle.  If I vanish it is probably a time of struggle!!!  I always come back – just in bursts when I can take advatage of the quiet 🙂


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Hi Cristin,

    So happy to see you here on the adventure with everyone. With all your plans, lists, ideas and talents, I’m excited to see the type of eCourse you decide on. We’ll help pull that magic together!

    Happy trails!


    Kate Arms


    Single mom of four special needs kids here. I totally get the bursty nature of things that don’t involve our kids. I expect to be somewhat bursty too.




    Hi, Cristin – I love your explanation of your most alive moment!


    andrea Bonsey

    Hi Cristin

    Looking forward to seeing your ideas deepen and emerge.

    Completely get the vanishing and working in bursts.








    Hi Cristin,

    Wow. Watching the light of understanding cross a face in front of me… that is so moving to me. Thank you for that. So nice to meet you 🙂



    JoAnn Turner

    Hey, Cristin! Nice to see a familiar face here among all the other shining faces! It’ll be exciting to share this adventure!

    Cristin and I have known each other in the walking-around so-called “real world” for 15 or 20 years, and are now reconnecting over shared interests in a number of things. Very cool!


    Sharyn Warren

    Another Brave Heart who walks between the worlds. Thanks for sharing as you have and I look forward to getting to know you as a fellow traveler on this good adventure.


    Jo Rhodes

    I completely agree with you about the light of understanding and the privilege of seeing those breakthroughs 🙂
    Looking forward to getting to know you all and learning together


    Deb Robson

    Textiles and history, Cristin–me, too. AND I’m one of those who is getting older and needs to quit traveling so much, yet I’ve accumulated a lot of information (and am constantly gathering more) that I want to pass on–at least the enthusiasm and ideas, and likely also some content.

    Funny. I’m a single parent of a now-grown person who still has needs that require significant amounts of my attention daily. I can say, after more than three decades as this kind of parent, that it’s possible to get a lot done in the times when it’s possible to get anything done. Waving hello also to Kate.

    (Relevant to getting stuff done REGARDLESS: One reason I’m here now is that I’ve developed some repetitive stress injuries in my right hand. The question is: okay, given the current constraints, what can I accomplish? I think this course, and a leap forward with my online teaching vision, is one of those things.)



    Here is a video I did recently while speaking at the Metaphysical Center I am on the board for.  It goes deeper into my introduction.

    It is not a ‘short introduction’ but it does give you a more well rounded idea of me.



    Bryan Cassidy

    Welcome! I enjoyed the video and it sounds like you have lots of great insights to share with the community and world!


    Anneke Camstra

    Hi,Cristin. Thank you for your video! Great energy, humor and honesty. Loved your story.

    I am a lesbian myself, living in Amsterdam(of course!) .

    Let’s connect.

    Warm greetings Anneke Camstra


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    You’re such an awesome speaker @cristin_olafsson!!!



    Thanks all – it has been a long time since I put myself up in front of people.  I am usually just as interested about what will come out of my mouth – I just never really know!  It was a very positive experience so I plan to do more.

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