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Waymatea 9 years, 1 month ago

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New Home › Forums › Introductions › Hello from Australia
Hail Fellow Mountaineers!
I’m Penny Claringbull and I live in Queensland, Australia, although I’m originally English.
My employment experience is in community development, environmental education, guiding and interpretation. I’m also a writer (under the name Pen Clements http://www.penclements.com ) and I have a background in anthropology, myth, permaculture, edible plants, urban sustainability, botanical products, storytelling, journalling. Etc. Etc.
So many interests, so little time…
I’ve joined so I can stop dreaming and start acting – I have a habit of starting a million things and not finishing them. My series of novels for starters. And this looks like so much fun! Plus I did the free intro a while back and it was professional, interesting and useful.
I want to create a course that teaches people how to use their imagination for good – theirs and the world’s. Using creativity and storytelling techniques I have learnt over the years.
Looking forward to climbing with you, x
Right on Penny. With all those interests and talents, you are definitely in the best place. We’re gonna help you bring all those yummy yes’s into alignment to create something super magical and unique AND something that you’ll be so stoked to follow through to completion right up to Launch Summit and beyond 😉
You are on the right mountain and we’re super happy for you to be here.
Have as much fun as possible and thanks for introducing yourself!
Hey Penny,
love to read about your passion for edible plants and permaculture and all that… I think you can create a real wonderful mystical and creative eCourse with all your skills teaching people more about that – would be sooooo awsome!!! You can film all those wonderful plants so people get to know them… mmmm I am dreaming with you … hahha!
Cheers from Germany to Queensland!!! Send us some sun!!
Hail Penny!
I am loving all your focus/interest points. And I can TOTALLY relate with the whole “too many interests, not enough time” thing. There’s actually a word for people like us- multipotentialites – a term coined by nice little blog called Puttylike. Finding this was the first time I realized my apparent curse was actually a blessing in disguise.
I’m really looking forward to seeing what you create that honors all your gifts AND is highly transformative for others!
Penny! Penny! Penny! Penny!
(with apologies for the annoying Big Bang Theory reference…)
Would love to chat with you about writing and life transformation. I’ve been attempting to synthesize a few transformational writing pieces I’ve learned into something actionable for myself. Maybe we can compare notes.
Welcome to the adventure!
Hi Penny
To stop dreaming and start acting… my struggle too! Overactive brain, lots of enthusiasm and excitement and then a kind of abrupt fizzle and a sense of frustration with myself.
Love the idea of supporting people to connect and voice their imagination to make a difference.
Looking forward to seeing your course(s) emerge.
Hi Penny,
So nice to meet you here 🙂 I hope your adventure here is a beautiful one.
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