New Home Forums Introductions Hello Fellow Travelers!

18 replies, 8 voices Last updated by  Wendy Cain 8 years, 2 months ago
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    Jolynn Van Asten

    My name is: Jolynn Van Asten
    I teach: Women how to transform their lives through the hidden power available in their own brains and hearts (we even play with intuitive art!)

    In a nutshell, I run a coaching, training and retreat company. I certify coaches in HNLP (Humanistic Neuro Linguistic Psychology) and Intuitive Art.

    Primarily I serve traditional coaches and helping professionals, educators etc. so that they may communicate in new ways. They then influence and make a greater impact in the world they already play in. They learn how to declutter their brain and unconscious processes, how to allow their passion to awaken in their heart and to take stress-free inspired action that is useful, creative and of course impactful.
    Why I signed up for The Great eCourse Adventure: Because I have been hiding out and offering traditional classes and I am way to fun, and the content, especially now is way to important to keep a secret.

    I am making a difference with the difference makers and they can’t find me! (Yet…) for I have not been marketing actively… and so now, I am coming out of the course and marketing closet!
    What kind of e-course I want to create:

    • For the trainings I currently offer
    • For my women’s empowerment group
    • For my private clients
    • For impacting those who can’t afford the higher end products and programs

    What makes me come most alive is: The transformational mixed media and intuitive art I love to teach and use myself in my own creative practice…beyond that it is spending time with my children and being out in nature especially beaches…(S’mores ’round a nice fire…)


    Deanna Gibbons

    Welcome to the mountain Jolynn. I have heard of NLP before but was one of those people that just thought it was some new age hocum. But recently my daughter started practicing NLP and I have seen it make a big difference in her life.

    I look forward to hearing more about your courses and watching how this amazing community helps reshape them!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Way cool Jolynn. Nice to see the trap door in the closet led you to the magical mountain we find ourselves on right now.

    I’m really excited to learn more about your processes and how you help folks declutter their brains. Sounds like fun to me.

    It’s gonna be a great journey up the mountain together. Thank you so much for saying yes to the journey.

    Wonderful to meet you.


    Jolynn Van Asten

    Hey Deanna,

    Yes, I teach updated versions of NLP and certify practitioners in traditional NLP also. I have a Transformational Coaching and Spiritual Counseling practice/business that I truly love.Unfortunately, like many modalities and industries, there are those who teach it in a way that works, for the good of all, and those who (like our mountain guides pointed out in the webinar that brought me here), use it for more “dark side” purposes 🙂 I am so happy what your daughter is learning is useful to her! All roads lead home when the intentions to grow are present! Glad to be on the journey with you!




    Laura Koller

    How fascinating and inspiring!  I’ve never heard of Neuro Linguistic Psychology, but I’m interested in hearing more about transformation, hidden power, brains and hearts.  As for the decluttering, heart-awakening, and inspired action – those are all things that would make a positive difference in the world, especially mine!!!

    Welcome to the mountain 😉


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Super fascinating.


    I am a firm believer that creativity is the ultimate healer and self-development tool.

    Can’t wait to see what you create here.

    It’s going to be potent, I can feel it… 🙂


    Jolynn Van Asten

    Wow! Thanks Bradley and Andy for being so engaged in this process. QUESTION: I have some pre-trainng modules I need to create this weekend (literally I am a bit behind on them) and I am wondering (for now) if there is some easy quiz format I can include for a “gamification” right now? I know it will change and improve as I go, however, I would like to get “something” included right now for their retention and to produce dopamine ! Thoughts?? This is where I go deer in the headlights and spend hours looking at less than useful app’s and services online that never meet the need.



    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    Welcome Jolynn!! Love all that you do (already commented on some of your campfires too!)!! I can tell you are motivated and inspired to do so much on this mountain adventure!! I’m all about transformation and beach time too!! 😉 Also, I see we are practically neighbors! What a small world it is! Great to meet you here!!!


    Laura Koller

    Hi Jolynn,

    I saw your plea for some kind of quiz format.  I don’t know your content or your objective, but I thought I would share a quote and a suggestion.  Many, many years ago when I was still teaching in the classroom, I heard an incredible speaker talking on the topic of love and logic.  One of the things she said that has stuck with me all this time is that “People work really hard to NOT use their brains.”  It sounds kind of cynical, but I have found that to be so true, both in the classroom and in real life, and it has shaped my approach to teaching others in so many ways.

    With that in mind, I would approach your “retention” quizzes as opportunities to get those brain gears moving in any way that you can.  I’m sure that we will learn a lot more about how to “gamify” learning, but at the moment you need to go with what you know.  So instead of a traditional quiz with multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank questions, try to encourage higher level thinking skills that draw on the information you want your students to learn.

    – Share a quote and ask people whether they agree or disagree.  This can be especially effective if you ask it BEFORE you teach students the information.  I’m putting together a presentation right now in which I will use the quote “When people know better they do better” and ask people whether they agree or disagree (FYI research shows otherwise).  I’ve seen a list of 4 questions that Carol Dweck uses to determine whether people operate using a fixed or growth mindset.  People consider their own views, and then you connect their personal responses to the important material.  What you are doing is getting the wheels turning, asking people to consider their own viewpoint or prediction – and that prepares people’s brains to be ready to process the information you are about to share.

    – Present a story or scenario an ask people to apply some of the information you’ve just applied.  Once again, this can be especially effective if you present the problem FIRST – so people are already trying to figure out how they would approach the situation – and then you can share the relevant material or strategies that people can use to address the problem.  In my presentation, I’m going to share the story about my own personal struggle with patients who could not or would not change their behaviors, no matter how hard I worked to convince them otherwise.  Most or all of my listeners will be able to identify with that story, and then when I’m ready to share my tools and strategies then they have a context for which to apply them in their own lives.  It addresses the personal question of – what would I do in that situation, and what could I do differently?

    Both of those strategies are kind of like a pre-test/post-test strategy, and are likely to get people ready and focused on the information you want to share before you actually share it.  The idea is to engage people beyond just sharing information without some kind of personal connection and/or meaningful context.

    If you ever have the time (ha!) there is a great book called “Made to Stick” by Chip Heath and Dan Heath that goes through the SUCCESs model to describe the most effective strategies that people have used to make their ideas stick, whether they are advertisers, teachers, managers, or whatever else.  Mysteries (open-ended scenarios) and stories are great ways to set up learning because they have the potential to engage people on so many different levels.  Even if all you can do is find an audio CD through your local library system and listen to it during your work or soccer-mom commute time, it is such a valuable read.

    So I don’t know if that addresses your current conundrum, and I don’t think there’s any gamification involved in my suggestions – BUT – if there’s anything that I’ve learned during my years of teaching and working with people, it’s that the most important thing is to keep sight of your objective and not let all the sparkly details take you off track from the things that will connect with people and matter most.  Create situations that make people use their brains and you are almost always on the right track.

    Good luck!



    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Hey Jolynn, just so we know, what are you currently using to deliver your course with? Just so we know what kind of quiz options we have.

    I’d have to agree with Laura. You can incorporate gamification without adding in a “quiz.”

    You could create challenges. You could invite them into an open conversation on a topic in your community. You could have them do an art project and come to your community and share it.

    What else could you do that would be LIKE a quiz/test/challenge, but doesn’t need the tech.

    And if you want the actual quiz in there, I’m sure Andy will have some solutions for you.

    Lets brainstorm though.


    Jolynn Van Asten

    Hi Bradley,

    Thank you for being so interactive! This is the first time I am running this course in this format. It is a certification training. I have some materials that will be delivered online, at a self study pace. I also this weekend would really like to have a group forum format in place so that there can be group interaction. I do not like the thought of a Facebook group for this particular training. Other classes perhaps. I have looked into ning before.

    My first thought before finding y’all was to deliver the pre material in video and pdf. They need to know the content for certification. Once the training starts in January and I am live format teaching, I am not worried about the stickability. It is the pre training material where I am not so hands on or interactive I am hoping to make a more robust experience for them. Does that make sense?

    Thank you Obi-wan…



    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Hi Jolynn!

    Would love to help you figure out the best community platform for your course.

    What are you using as your course platform?


    Jolynn Van Asten

    Right now, I don’t have one Andy. 🙁 I do use Zoom for group work right now, yet they don’t have a way to “talk” together in between classes. 🙂

    Thank you,



    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Gotchya 🙂

    What’s your level of tech savvyness? And what are you looking for in a community platform?

    If you’re wanting a traditional forum, I highly recommend you check out IPBoard. They have a version you can pay a yearly fee which lets you install it on your own server, or you can pay a monthly fee for a hosted solution (better if you’re not so tech savvy)

    We are going to be changing our GEA forums to IPBoard in the near future.


    Jolynn Van Asten

    Ok Andy, I complain often about tech, but if pointed in the right direction I can get things to work and/or find someone to help :)! I also want a way to have “breakout” or password protected/sub groups. So for example, each class can have a private room…(?)

    I’ll look at this.

    SO THANKFUL for you two!!!!



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