New Home Forums Introductions Hello ALL! Mangia, Mangia & Let's do this!

2 replies, 3 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 9 years, 1 month ago
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    Jana Sacco

    My Name is Jana Sacco, I currently live in Edmonton Alberta and I flow and morph into different roles and communities, I am a Holistic Nutritionist, Herbalist, Co Facilitator of Women’s transformational circles, Founder of the Cooperative Herbal Apothecary, Social Worker and a Permaculturist! I am known for teaching Fermentation workshops, traditional foods and facilitating the Nourish Yourself Journey!
    I am looking forward to expand online courses with this adventure and hope to create a 30 Day Course Called: Creating A Sacred Kitchen E-Course as well as a Online Nourish Yourself Journey!
    I am Passionate about educating people how to connect, trust their bodies embrace sustainable nutrition for their bio-uniqueness and lifestyle! So much to share and looking forward to diving deeper into this opportunity to create quality online adventures!
    Mangia, Mangia & Be Nourished!


    Kate Arms

    Oooh. I love the idea of a Sacred Kitchen.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Woohoo Jana!! It’s so great to see you here on the adventure.

    I’m pumped to help you create your Sacred Kitchen eCourse (or eCourse series).

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