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February 14, 2016 at 6:26 am #16949
The aim of my eCourse is to help people to find health and self-care through their guidance. Trusting and following their guidance help them to create healthy boundaries. These healthy boundaries manifest Health and balance.
I find 7 milestones. It starts from the body through each layer of the energy field to reach the Self (the uniqueness of the Self, but God’s unique perfection).
1/ Find Physical Well-Being Through Physical Challenges: Identify the habbits that create negative/positive sensations in the body. Create habbits that help wellness and self-care;
2/ Find Love For Self Through Emotional Challenges: Identify the situations/habbits that create negative/positive feelings for the Self. Create situations that help wellness and self-care;
3/ Find Clarity Through Rational, Cognitive Challenges: Identify the situations/habbits that create negative/positive thoughts. Create situations/habbits that help wellness and self-care;
4/ Find Love For Others Through Relational Challenges: Identify the relationships that create negative/positive sensations in the body, feelings, thoughts. Create relationships that help wellness and self-care;
5/Find Surrender Through Truth For The Self: Identify clearly what does/doesn’t suit the Self. Create safe and clear boundaries for the Self: What, Who, Why, When, How.Summ up all that create negative/positive manifestations. Make an ideal plan of what need a change with priorities (1 to 3). Make a retro planing. Committment to speak and follow the truth;
6/Find Ecstasy Through Divine Love: Identify the baddest/greatest help/manifestation/relationship. Search contact with it:What, Who, Why, When, How;
7/Find Serenity Through Who You Are: Identify self-qualities. Infuse them in the retroplanning.
To me, this path is very rich and I am thinking about making 3 eCourses:
1/ Self-care: milestones 1 to 3;
2/ Relationships: milestone 4;
3/ Spiritual guidance: milestones 5 to 7.February 15, 2016 at 3:14 pm #17101Great job flushing out the milestones @peggy.
Looking forward to seeing your next phase of flushing out to get clearer on how you’re going to facilitate the transformation.
February 15, 2016 at 11:47 pm #17174I really like your milestones too!! I especially like #5 and how you talk about creating safe and clear boundaries for the self. I feel like this is very important and will help lots of people!!
February 17, 2016 at 12:25 pm #17369I like what you’ve fleshed out. however I admit that I was expecting something much more direct around healthy boundaries. As someone who used to have NO boundaries, just fragmentation, and was actually a bit afraid/cyncical about boundaries being a ‘trap’, learning the concept of healthy boundaries has been instrumental to the rest of my self work. It feels that the boundary part, at least maybe “boundary basics” could be a first step to all of this. I’d be happy to talk more about this with you if you like.
February 18, 2016 at 12:34 am #17441Thank you to remind me this. I am going to really review and infuse the boundaries topic some more in the plan before starting my videos.
For the moment, with the introduction and the 1st level, I just prepare the ground. People will flush out the material. From that material, I will conduct them trough levels to go deeper in how to construct boundaries.February 29, 2016 at 11:54 pm #18739Flushed out all the milestones. I found out 10 milestones (10 different eCourses for the whole programm) and about 80 lessons (5 to 10 lessons for each eCourse).
Introduction: All about guidance
Chapter 1: Kinesthetic sense, knowing your body
Ground yourself through sensing the body
Chapter 2: The sense of self-love, barometer for self-care
Emotions help assessing what is positive or negative for yourself
Chapter 3: Intuitions for healthy boundaries
1st door to high sense perception, opening yourself to the non-understandable with intuitions
Chapter 4: Sensing love for positive co-creation
Demystifying the complexity of relationships to be clear with yourself
Chapter 5: Trusting your Truth
Create a Healing plan for positive manifestation in your life and changing what is not working
Chapter 6: Setting intention
Discover your resistances, what wan help to go further and be committed
Chapter 7: Divine love
Reach for divine help
Chapter 8: Watch darkness
Be aware of what is darkness and how to get out of it
Chapter 9: Gods dimension
Live with fully open senses, what is telepathy, how to live with integrity
Conclusion: Shining your essence to manifest your longings
Who you are and how you can manifest yourself some more to fully live your passions and longingsMarch 1, 2016 at 10:48 am #18756I also like your dividing into self/other/divine as separate pieces, @peggy. Each then becomes an accomplishment–sense of major progress.
March 1, 2016 at 12:37 pm #18775Looking really good and even clearer now @peggy.
Curious if you plan to facilitate the sessions mostly via Video, Audio, Written exercises, etc?
it’s going to be great having these be individual courses. Your dedicated students will be so excited to climb each mountain with you!
March 2, 2016 at 3:38 am #18827I didn’t write all the details according the lessons, because it is 8 pages long ^^ But yes, I think providing a video for each lesson and a pdf handhout as a method or a reminder, an exercise to complete with a pdf to fill as a support. Begining of each lesson, I’ll give an overview of what we are going to explore so that people can plan and organize their Schedule. End of each lesson, I’ll provide a conclusion like the big things to keep in mind and to know. The person will get homework to complete and to send me at the end of each lesson plus a private session to exchange and for supporting the progress.
End of the programm, the person is clear with his/her story, his/her traumas that may be resistances (how to go further), his/her gifts. From this self-knowledge, people can set healthy boundaries for themselves and are acting in consciousness. Accessing guidance and developping high sense perception are a path of awareness expansion 🙂
March 2, 2016 at 5:35 pm #18867Awesome @peggy. In case it hasn’t been a thought yet, offering “Guided Audios” is one of the most powerful ways to support people to ground in and embody the lessons you’re teaching. 🙂
March 28, 2016 at 5:56 pm #20394Nice progression for learning practical intuition from Self to Other to HIgher Source in your 3 part series. I like the idea of a private session incorporated in to the course for extra support and attention.
I am also working on a healthy boundary component in my course through navigating the different dimensions of identity.April 6, 2016 at 5:49 pm #20953Hi Peggy,
I also find your writing of the outline super clear. I am nnot sure if you are posting to update us or if you have any desire for feedback.
If you were looking for feedback, I would say that you have a crystal clear cognitive structure — skeleton — here that is very powerful and all there. I would be looking for the muscle and nerves and skin to the being.
Meaning, the idea of self-care and boundaries is ephemeral and tangible but how do you bring that to life for us in a way that is deeply compelling in the moment of our day to day lives — the grounding. I am searching for a metaphor to ground this. Roots. Flesh on bones. Etc…
As a therapist and martial artists, I see your work embodied very concretely through action on the mats, through attack and transformation the threat in movement.
What is a way to bring your work into the body more?
Wishing you all the best. Great vision and clarity already!
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