New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines The Burned out Caregiver

6 replies, 4 voices Last updated by  Bella602 6 years, 6 months ago
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    1) WHAT is the eCourse all about that you’re inspired to create? Burned out caregivers who desperately need to get their groove back and heal themselves before being able to help another patient.

    2) Out of all the options, WHY are you most excited to create this eCourse?

    The world needs this now, there is too much noise from so many sources that healthcare workers need to just try it and do it and then make their decision about their new truths.

    3) Describe WHO you are creating this eCourse for.

    Burned out, lost caregivers who are overweight and under appreciated, could resent their jobs, unfulfilled in life, relationships, feeling “nothing” is really changing, tired of paperwork/get no insurance most of the time leading to over eating/drinking/drugs and stuck with no light and not understanding that they are light-workers here and have to go thru this process to heal themselves first in order to help others on the journey.

    4) Describe the TRANSFORMATION or benefits they’ll receive by going through your eCourse.
    A to Z life transformation; Realize they can’t be taken seriously when they are so out of shape physically, mentally and they are expected to lead the way in healthcare but they too have fallen into the sickness trap and the SAD diet. Realization of what has happened, ownership and learning new ways of existing which really help others and themselves and traveling to the retreats and meeting other healers from around the world and combining energies and getting support and not feeling alone anymore and spreading the message and living out their deepest desires including art, dance, energy work or maybe changing careers and finding a more healing career which creates more light all the way around.

    5) Using your skills and resources, HOW do you intend to facilitate the ultimate transformation?
    Humorous animation, teaching on NLP, Diet/raw,vegan,energy,health education, Sex, co-dependency release, narcissistic abuse release, fill in and print out, support groups, partner up, workbooks, podcasts, (much more not sure; it will reveal itself soon as I continue learning)

    6) If your eCourse was a person, how would you describe its PERSONALITY or VIBES?
    Hard working, open and honest, hilarious at times, get it done and get the reward as time is almost over!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Great first flush through @nikiking.

    Just so I’m clear, when you say “Caregiver” are you speaking of people working in the medical field or are you speaking of mom’s who overlook their own self care because they’re too busy taking care of others.

    Also curious how long you imagine your course being and what the flow of it looks like as far as delivering the content?

    Great work so far!



    I am speaking of medical professionals and non medical people taking care of people who need medical attention, children with diseases, elder care, dementia patients, anyone who does a somewhat medical work whether they are licensed or not.. not really moms unless they are taking care of a sick child/parent/family member etc.. although moms do it ALL, i know.. but they could be in this category also, but more targeting a niche for the medical professional. Yes, i will be working on this breaking it down further, that was just a “get it out of my head beginning” have to finish on the summit some things and then back to this/ back and forth,, lol both r/t medical though so they overlap”


    Ranger Boss Lady
    Mountain Guide

    Hows all that back and fortharoo going for ya at the Summit @nikiking ?



    Just about ready to jump in and get a partner and get started.. Finished my online summit and am launching a non-related course, but then will be ready.. to share all of them and get a great partner.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    We look forward to officially welcoming you back to the campfire when you’re ready to climb @nikiking!



    Absolutely needed.

    I also work in the care sector and see staff everyday that are burned out, under valued and overworked.

    I also had this as one of my topics, but have been moved more toward working with the clients, so my eCourse is moving more in that direction.  Ultimately my aim is to create, what I think will be a much larger course, using a project I am already involved with called the ‘Conscious Care Community’. This we believe is the future in care, and very unlike anything seen before.

    If I can get to grips with it all, my plan is to bring this into a ‘virtual community’, but right now I think I will walk before I start running.

    I have a gut feeling that what you are planning could well be part of the future way of caring for our care givers.

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