New Home Forums Media & Technology Green Screen Jam…..

3 replies, 3 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 8 years, 7 months ago
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    Chris Gilmour

    Hey Folks,

    I have a few green screen projects I have in mind and am totally new to the technology. I thought I would start this thread for sharing resources and knowledge around using Green Screens. I just watched a super helpful video on using them in ScreenFlow. In ScreenFlow it is called “Chroma Key”. He starts off with a fair bit of theory around picking your back ground colour but in the second half of the video he goes into some great detail of how to used it in ScreenFlow editor. Here it is if your interested:


    Rodolfo Menjivar

    excellent. Youtube is the best way to learn. At least in my experience. There are tutorials for everything and every program on there. It is awesome. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    I’m bringing this convo over from another chat we had on Lisa’s Progress Log…

    The whole green screen journey has been quite magical. Once you learn, you can literally do ANYTHING you can imagine.

    When we started out, @blairfrancis was a beginner. This whole journey up the mountain he has been improving upon his skills and as you will all see, by the time we get to Launch Summit, shit’s getting real! haha

    The higher up the mountain we go, the better, more creative and complex the videos become because of how much (and fast) we were learning.

    I think part of the process is creating a good system.

    Here is the system of how we approached each video lesson:

    1. Figure out the MAIN purpose, points and call to action for the lesson.
    2. Decide on the scene. where it is and what’s happening.
    3. Writing the script and then refining the script.
    4. Storyboarding camera shots.
    5. Finding the background for the scene.
    6. Shooting
    7. Editing.
    8. Sound effects to bring it to life.
    9. Some of the videos with animations or special effects required @michaelmann doing some post-production work.

    Others were massive, steep learning curves for Blair (which you can ask him about) where he’d watch all sorts of tutorials on Youtube and then mess around til he figured it out.

    Green Screen Magic Tip:

    If you are savvy in Photoshop or know someone who is, you can build entire sets. For example, the set at Camp Medias with the Media brothers Blair built from scratch. He litereally built the shelves, copy and pasted all the camera gear, lighting and even the counter and bell the brothers stand behind.

    So knowing people like @elijah will be highly beneficial for creating your eCourse sets!

    Let me know if you have anymore questions. Hope this adds to your inspiration  🙂

    You can also see our studio set-up here. As you can see, it’s pretty simple.

    What we used:

    1. We built a simple frame for the green screen (approx 9 x 14).
    2. 3 main lights ($200 for kit).
    3. Overhead lighting we got at the dump.
    4. a 4 year old canon camera.
    5. My iPhone 5 with Zoom iQ5 mic for audio
    6. Believe it or not, we created this entire world in a room that was probably 15×15  haha

    We actually started out in our nasty, moldy, gross basement in the first three checkpoints and once we did our beta sale and realized we were in business, Celeste and I moved out of our bedroom and into her old office and we set the studio up in the master bedroom cuz that was the biggest room.

    You don’t need much space.

    In September, we are moving into a studio that’s about four times larger. Michael Mann just purchased a new house that has a detached two car garage that we’re turning into the studio space.

    If you search Amazon, you can find green screen equipment that are easier to set up and take down than our 2 x 4 frame. Stoked you’re feeling inspired. Let me know if you have anymore questions!

    We built a simple frame for the green screen (approx 9 x 14).

    3 main lights ($200 for kit).
    Overhead lighting we got at the dump.
    a 4 year old canon camera.
    My iPhone 5 with Zoom iQ5 mic for audio
    Believe it or not, we created this entire world in a room that was probably 15×15  haha

    We actually started out in our nasty, moldy, gross basement in the first three checkpoints and once we did our beta sale and realized we were in business, Celeste and I moved out of our bedroom and into her old office and we set the studio up in the master bedroom cuz that was the biggest room.

    You don’t need much space.

    In September, we are moving into a studio that’s about four times larger. Michael Mann just purchased a new house that has a detached two car garage that we’re turning into the studio space.

    If you search Amazon, you can find green screen equipment that are easier to set up and take down than our 2 x 4 frame. Stoked you’re feeling inspired. Let me know if you have anymore questions!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Green Screen Webinars!!!?

    Andy and I are nerding out on how to do green screen webinars.

    He just figured out how to DJ with music for our webinars to bring some more livliness.

    Who wants to green screen the world with us!?

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