New Home Forums Introductions Getting Stoked for this Journey

7 replies, 7 voices Last updated by  Akasha Madron 9 years, 1 month ago
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    Alexis Burnett

    My name is: Alexis Burnett

    I teach: Wildlife Tracking, Working with Plants for food, medicine and crafts, Naturalist Studies, Nature Connection, Wilderness Living Skills and Canoe Guiding

    Why I signed up for The Great eCourse Adventure:
    I’ve been toying with the idea of doing online programs for a while now and am ready to make the first step……

    What kind of e-course I want to create: How to identify, harvest and prepare plants for Food and Medicine ( I will need to come up with a ‘catchier’ title)

    What makes me come most alive is: Being outside in Nature, connecting to the land and taking my daughter on walks in the forest.

    I wish everyone a good trip

    In Light



    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Hi Alexis, it’s awesome to have you on the trail with us.

    Your wild harvesting, food foraging and medicine making skills will come in handy going up the mountain.

    I am excited to help you craft an incredible eCourse that reconnects people with the magic and medicine in nature.

    Thank you so much for being here and for saying yes to the adventure.


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Welcome Alexis!

    Those are indeed great skills to have as we trek up the mountain. Always good to have someone with us that can forage for food just in case some bears decide to steal our supplies.

    Silliness aside, I am really looking forward to seeing the course you create with us 🙂



    Light Cellar

    Welcome, Alexis!

    Cool topics – very much in vibe with what we’re doin over here. Still lookin for a buddy too.


    Jo Rhodes

    Hi Alexis.. I am based in the UK and want to do something similar and aim a wild food/ simple medicine course at absolute beginners. There is a lot of info out there but many wild food blogs or books can be really intimidating for novices. My plan is to do something which gives people absolute confidence to pick,identify and use a small number of plants and give them several recipes/medicines for each one.
    Really looking forward to getting started 🙂


    andrea Bonsey

    Hi Alexis
    Your topics sound wonderful for an ecourse.
    Enjoy creating…


    Alexis Burnett

    Just saw this. I wish you well. All the best.


    Akasha Madron

    Hi Alexis,

    Your topic sounds so exciting. I have been trying to harvest some of our plants from our garden. Especially, when certain ones grow abundantly. this has happened with Comfrey, Cleavers, Lemon Balm and Mugwort. I always feel that they, the plants, are telling us that we need them when they grow so strongly. But I am not so great at knowing how to preserve them or dry them for tea.

    Your idea for a course sounds great,


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