New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines Getting Clear with Guidance

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 8 years, 10 months ago
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    At the begining of the GCA, I wanted to create an eCourse about guidance (what, how). After the Architekt Forest, it seems clear to me that there is another launch summit: why 🙂

    I would like to create that eCourse to show quickly to my audience why guidance is a great tool to have a better life.

    My audience may be accurate, cultivated in well-being, have/had great life threatening challenges, or is just curious about the topic.

    That eCourse would help people to summ up all their knowledge and expériences to get clear with what is good or not for the self. It will start from the body dimension, and reach the divine one where the audience will discover their longing for their life. They will reach the summit thank to the valorization of who they are. It is from their own richness that they will discover their inner beauty and worthiness.

    I am not clear about the Tools yet because I will use my guidance to create them. I never did this before. But I’ll use my own experience as a support and all the knowledge I got from my studies and own experiential.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    It’s so fun seeing how the friendly wizard of Architekt Forest guides people to shift their original plan. That Idea Generator 3000 is a helpful tool!

    I’m sure as you go through the coming exercises the HOW will become clear and the questions that are asked of you will trigger the actual process that you’ll lead  🙂

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