New Home Forums Introductions Introduce yourself!

0 replies, 1 voice Last updated by  Bradley Morris 8 years, 4 months ago
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    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Welcome to the Community Forums, but from here on out we will refer to them as the “Campfires.”

    This is where you can ask questions, make connections with your fellow adventurers and share all your epic epiphanies on the path to creating the greatest eCourse you can possibly imagine.

    Please introduce yourself so that we all can get to know you 🙂

    Introduction template (you can copy/paste this into your introduction story and fill in the blanks
    My name is:
    I teach:
    Why I signed up for The Great eCourse Adventure:
    What kind of e-course I want to create:
    What makes me come most alive is:

    Feel free to elaborate and share whatever you feel inspired to express about yourself.

    Great to meet you!
    Bradley, Andy & Sherpa Steve (who you’ll meet soon)

    PS – Once you’ve introduced yourself, read the other introductions and say hello to welcome your fellow adventurers on the journey!

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