New Home Forums Philosophy, Mindset & Preparation From Doing to Being

10 replies, 9 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 9 years ago
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    Kate Arms

    The people who want my networking training want to be effective talking about their businesses. They think they need tools and techniques. So that is part of what I offer, but their big goal is to become someone who is comfortable networking and that requires a transformation.

    In order to be effective, most of them need to transform from someone who “sells products and services” to someone who “clearly articulates what they offer without attachment to the outcome of that particular conversation”.

    There are presentation skills I teach that come under “clearly articulates”, but the heart of what makes my work effective is the transformation of attitude towards the conversation itself.

    Looking at the course from this perspective inspires me to create an amazing experience for my students and not just a package of skills that they can acquire.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Awesome Kate. I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Excited to help with the creative flow.


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Awesome Kate! You’re catching on quick!

    Experiences are indeed the key to transformation 😉



    Sounds awesome!


    Sharyn Warren

    Wow! Does this sound great, Kate. I’ll be watching for your launch!


    Kate Arms

    Thanks @sharynwa.



    Awesome. Definitely need THAT transformation, @kate_arms 🙂


    Deb Robson

    Love it, Kate.


    andrea Bonsey

    Wonderful @kate_arms


    sharon Lock

    I don’t know whether it’s relevant Kate but I saw a great TED talk this week about conversation. I found it very thought provoking, especially after attending a networking event this week and being asked the question several times, ‘what is it that you do?’

    It’s by Elizabeth Stokoe – The Science of conversation.

    Brad and Andy, hope you don’t mind me sharing it here. Feel free to remove it if not.



    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Not at all. Share on @Sharon!!!

    (whoa, I did that by accident)

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