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Luma Malone 8 years, 11 months ago

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New Home › Forums › Course Ideas & Outlines › freedom from anxiety and depression refined
I’m feeling really vulnerable in this moment guys!!
thank you for reading my simplified and refined version!!
1) WHAT is the eCourse all about that you’re inspired to create?
Freedom from depression and anxiety
2) Out of all the options, WHY are you most excited to create this eCourse?
There is a need for it, I can share from a space of authenticity, I have walked the path fpr many years.
3) Describe WHO you are creating this eCourse for.
Women who feel stuck, heavy and frustrated, who know there is something more to life, who have tried many things, and have had a glimpse at how awesome life can be, and don’t know how to find, create or sustain it.
4) Describe the TRANSFORMATION or benefits they’ll receive by going through your eCourse.
They will move from feeling trapped or stuck, resigned to a life that doesn’t quite fit. To feeling excited and engaged with life, ready to live and participate, instead of watching from the side lines.
5) Using your skills and resources, HOW do you intend to facilitate the ultimate transformation?
1. Teaching the power of intention using east wisdom and western science
2. Empowerment /paradigm shift through practice to have a proving. Connection to self /Intuition Trust, timing, self, inner voice, breath, meditation, simple yoga poses
3. Ritual
4. Easy to implement practices
5. kosha layers in each section (Kosha layers as a concept)
6. Life has meaning in the meaning we assign to it
6) If your eCourse was a person, how would you describe its PERSONALITY or VIBES?
Kind, wise, humorous person who is so unconditionally loving they are willing to ask penetrating questions with kindness to help journey to see the deeper self.
Oh yay yay yay @mandimack, so grateful you were vulnerable and open enough to share. This is so brilliant, concise and perfect. Well done!!
I’m excited to see you flush out the next layers, which will provide even more juicy clarity.
Way to go. This is going to be such a gift!
Buddy, I am so proud of you! Great work and great clarity!! I am excited for customers who are about to experience new way of life by doing your course!
I second that enthusiasm @tatianaqueen!!!!
@mandimack Your course outline sounds good so far and definitely much needed. I especially like the tools and resources you are combining to facilitate transformation. Nice mix of ancient yogic teachings and new paradigm tools !
The Koshas are a map i often refer to understand how to balance the self at all levels and dimensions. I’m revisiting the koshas and yogic practices as a foundation as I design my course.
Look forward to hearing more as your offering takes shape. 🙂
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