New Home Forums Course Creation Resources Free Vector Art Resources

2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by  Catherine Fox 8 years, 5 months ago
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    Catherine Fox

    2 sites I’ve found for decent free vector art – if you credit the authour! I am excited by the forest animals. Is this the right place to put these links? feel free to move the post if not


    Hardy LeBel


    The problem with free art like this is that you can’t use it to trademark your logo.

    Since the images are essentially in the public domain, anyone can use it. So if you build a logo around it, your images won’t be exclusive to your brand, and as I said above – you can’t trademark them.

    I would recommend finding images that you like, and using them to build a brand mood board, to help communicate the feeling that you’d like to capture with your branding.

    If your budget for branding and graphic design is tight, then you could either find a reasonably priced graphic designer on a site like, or else look at a site like

    – Hardy


    Catherine Fox

    I actually looked at fiverr but it seems mostly they are just cutting and pasting the same vector graphics with little original design, though I’m definitely up for some recommendations for individuals.

    I was thinking these graphics are useful not necessarily for branding but for other random course materials and graphics, there are a lot of icons, backgrounds, nature images and so on, this helps save money for other things.

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