New Home Forums Course Creation Resources FREE M.I.T Courses on Film and Video

2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by  Elijah Powell 8 years, 3 months ago
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    Elijah Powell

    Hi, Everybody!

    I hope you all are doing well! I have really been struggling with video a composition  for the last few weeks. I started looking for resources on how to shoot my videos and I stumbled upon some resources from M.I.T. I figured if I am struggling at some point others may be in the same boat! It is a deep dive into cinematography and in essence, is an entire catalog of film and video courses for you to look through. I hope this helps someone!

    Here is the link:

    MIT OpenCourseWare


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Wow, what a great resource Elijah. Thanks for sharing.

    Curious what you’re struggling with most in your video creation process?

    Anything you want help or feedback on?

    Have any test videos you’ve done to brainstorm about on how to improve?

    We’re here for you!


    Elijah Powell

    I have been trying to adjust the aperture on my camera to keep everything in front of the camera in focus but for some reason, I turn out blurry and everything else is in focus! I am going to try a few more things and then I will reach out for help! Thank you so much for everything guys!

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