I crunched my wrist this morning so typing is difficult and painful at the moment, but at least that means this will be short!
How I’m choosing to live my dreams now:
The things I’m doing and learning in G. eCourse Adv. and as I’m heading into production and launch of my interp writing book are also groundwork for other product ideas I have and want to explore/implement after launching eCourse etc. It’s too cold to read in the backyard right now, but I am getting some read-really-good-stuff reading done. I do a bit of traveling and poking around the neighborhood. I’m carving out “writing retreat time” (sometimes an hour, sometimes an afternoon, but with luck, a full week in the not-too-distant future). I’m going to local/regional (including touring) shows and movies (am a theatre & movie geek), even when I think I don’t have time or can’t afford it (so far, the world has not ended because I spent money on season tickets or played hooky to see the matinee).
And now, I am going back to using the ice-pack and writing longhand…