New Home Forums Philosophy, Mindset & Preparation Focus App Alternative for PC's

4 replies, 2 voices Last updated by  Deanna Gibbons 8 years, 7 months ago
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    Deanna Gibbons

    The Focus app was mentioned to help you, well, focus, duh.  But it is only for MAC’s.  If you are looking for an alternative try Freedom. It works on most devices. I can’t tell you how it compares to Focus, but I’ve used if for a few months now and really do get sh*t done!


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    That looks cool. Too bad I use Linux and Android.

    I seem to recall there being some browser plugins that would do the same thing. Does it make enough of a difference for you that you tihnk I should go hunt up an alternative that works on my system/s?


    Deanna Gibbons

    That is strange.  When I first downloaded it, it did show that it was available for Android.  I guess not anymore.

    Anyway, for me it makes a difference.  I am easily distracted. Like a child. My husband says I can’t just sit down and relax.  I’ve always got work or a gadget on my lap.  So in those instances when I am trying to get stuff done, it is helpful for me.

    If you use Chrome, I think there is an extension called Get Focused (but spelled oddly) I tried it before I found Freedom but it caused some other issues for me so I got rid of it.  That was several months ago though. It might be better now.


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Cool. Glad it helps you and thanks for the hint on the browser extension.

    I’m not really sure what “just sit down and relax” looks like…I have too many interesting aspects of life to explore at any given moment to do much “nothing” these days. I’m actually wanting to incorporate more relaxation through movement — I sit down enough during the day! 🙂


    Deanna Gibbons

    Great idea!  My husband always tells me that if I got more physical exercise I would be able to shut my brain down and “relax.” (He’s  a personal trainer so he feels the solution to all life problems is to exercise ). To me, learning new things is relaxing. But my whole life could be swallowed up by learning if I let it.

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