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December 18, 2015 at 4:17 pm #5131
I just finished Base Camp and I am ready to move onto the Reflection Pond. I am grateful for the tools we received in Base Camp as i feel they will be valuable tools that will help us climb the mountain. Moving forward I just need to stay clear and focused, also warm!!
December 28, 2015 at 1:15 pm #6168Glad you’re digging your new climbing tools. They’ll definitely come in handy.
Pack your poncho buddy, it gets chilly the higher we go up 😉
February 21, 2016 at 11:30 pm #18000Progress Log #2
It has been awhile since I made a progress log so here goes.
I just finished Creatora Heights, well I am waiting for feedback on choosing a name still but yeah that is pretty much done.
So far the most challenging part of this journey is staying focused. I seek out distractions when I get stuck and then may not come back for a few days. I would like to do something every single day to progress in the course. Even if it is only for 30 minutes or less. I find when I do not come back for a few days that I will forget where I left off and then lose momentum that I had going.
I am moving on to Camp Medias now and am really excited to see what is in store here. I love working with technology and have been experimenting a lot with making videos and editing lately. This might be my favorite Checkpoint so far.February 22, 2016 at 3:51 pm #18123Way to go Rodolfo. Stoked for how much energy and attention you’re giving this process. Worry not, we need those breaks. Subconsciously, your actually obsessing about this thing. 😉
You are going to love Camp Medias. Those Medias brothers are wild and a lot of fun to learn from!
April 6, 2016 at 6:33 pm #20957So I really fell off the mountain for awhile there. I feel like it is a form of self sabotage arising due to a fear of stepping up and being the leader I will have to be once this course is done and out there. Fearing that I will be somebody that people look to for guidance and answers etc is quite overwhelming and scary. What if I am not good enough? What if this and that?
On the other hand I have now started thinking the opposite.. What if I don’t do this? What if i go get a job and be a “normal” person ( oddly I have been offered a few jobs recently and turned them all down) What if I give up?
The answers to these questions is much scarier than the first set of questions. I have not thought about quitting, have just delayed it as much as I could. I am here still and determined to keep moving forward.
I spent the last 2 days going over what I have already done here and tweaking things that did not resonate anymore. I will continue working on new checkpoints tomorrow and also picking a name. Seems like quite the challenge to find the “perfect” name. I feel a renewal of energy and motivation to do this. 🙂April 10, 2016 at 6:58 am #21149Welcome back to the mountain @rodolfomenjivar, indeed doing what you’re setting out to do you’re going to have to be hungry and want it, otherwise the resistance will become greater than your why.
Glad to see you’ve reconnected to your why and your motivations are strong.
Keep climbing. Seek not for perfection, seek to simply get’er done. You can always go back and make improvements once complete. 😉
June 28, 2016 at 8:48 pm #26489Well here I am still at the same place I feel that I’ve been at for the last while. I had an action packed month of June. A lot of good and some bad as well. It was quite the roller coaster. I was presented with other opportunities and also with chances of falling back into old ways and habits.
Through all of this, one thing was made crystal clear… I need to commit and finish this E Course!! I really appreciate how transparent and honest Brad and Andy have been since day 1. We need more people like you guys in the world.
So that being said I am changing my course a little bit. I wanted to just focus on the Physical, Mental and Spiritual aspects of our lives but I am now going to throw in a module about the Emotional as well. I feel like this cannot be left out and it would not be a complete E course without emotions.
So here I am determined to move forward. Watch out!! 🙂June 29, 2016 at 11:27 am #26567Welcome back to the mountain Rodo. I gotta say, hearing you mention the emotional piece as well makes me smile. You are 100% correct. Wholeness is not attainable without delving into the deep underworld of emotions. I’d say your course just went up a whole bunch of notches on the power meter.
So the question is: Where do you start people?
Mental, then Physical, then Emotional, then Spiritual?
Or perhaps it starts with Mental, then Emotional, then Pysical (because we must dig up the old emotions, let them pass if we want lasting change in our physical) and then through that transformation comes the Spiritual…
Curious how you’re going to allow the transformation to flow for people?
June 29, 2016 at 12:39 pm #26577Glad you’re back Rodo. Hear what you’re saying last April about ‘ self sabotage ‘.
From what I’ve seen though looking through your Facebook and YouTube stuff, you’ve been working on your course and on research and clarification. Now you’re back to give it order to help others on their journey.June 29, 2016 at 3:24 pm #26654High five, Rodo, for coming back to it!
Let me know if you want to spend a few minutes pulling apart beliefs and getting rid of the bits that don’t serve you for this part of your journey.
June 29, 2016 at 5:19 pm #26672Yes I feel like it should go Mental, Physical, Emotional then Spiritual
Mental first as if you do not have your mindset right, you could just be running in circles
Then Physical as I want to show the importance on fueling your body with the right stuff and keeping it in shape. I want to use the “vehicle analogy” so filling up on premium and have regular maintenance done.
Then emotional to show how much more powerful our drive can become when we put our emotions behind them. I like the idea you said about clearing out old emotions too. I’ll have to steal that from you!!
and lastly Spiritual as it is the capstone at the top of the pyramid. The aspect that incorporates all the rest and then some.
Let me know what you think @bradleytmorris
June 29, 2016 at 5:21 pm #26674Yes I am always learning and doing more research @trish_hyatt I have never stopped thinking about this course although at times I have stopped working on it. It never leaves my mind though. I know I was meant to do this and I will see it through. Thank you
June 29, 2016 at 5:24 pm #26676@waynebuckhanan What did you have in mind? I definitely interested. I know I have some old limiting beliefs kicking around for sure!!
June 29, 2016 at 5:37 pm #26680I think that is a really logical order. I’m really looking forward to seeing what you do with this course. I can definitely use it!
June 29, 2016 at 5:37 pm #26682Rodo, I’ve got some powerful technologies in my little toolbox. Happy to get on a call (phone, hangout, skype … whatever) and run you through a thing or two. Scheduling is dicey, but I’m sure we can find 20 minutes where our availabilities both overlap. Feel free to PM me your times and lets see what all transformations we can enable!
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