New Home Forums Monthly Challenges July 2017 Finish the "STAY or GO!" mini ecourse!

43 replies, 8 voices Last updated by  Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas 6 years, 8 months ago
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    Trish Hyatt



    Chris Gilmour

    Wow @davidj

    Just caught up on the whole stream here. Your videos are powerful & I love the way you capture the different metaphors in your videos and the choice you explore at the end.

    I’m wondering if there are working docs that come with each video? There is a lot in there, I would personally love a summary of main points and questions to ask myself at the end of each video to help me make the next decision/step.


    DavidJ Jurasek


    Great idea!

    Will be a part of it in some way, for sure.

    As well as, subtitles on all the videos to make it easy to watch on phone with sound off.



    Laura Koller

    @davidj – Wow.  This is so powerful.  I really appreciate how you take time to really sit in and dwell in and explore all the emotions.  Processing all that mess (amygdala) is so key to being able to make a thoughtful (prefrontal cortex) choice.  Through all of these videos, with the different path metaphor, you tell such a powerful story.  I keep using that word because that’s what it is – powerful.

    I love Video #4.  I can see the journey, and that whole bit at the garden with your wife is yet another powerful metaphor, and that key point about “repair” being so critical to the relationship.  That was so spot-on.  I actually love meeting your family.  This is such a vulnerable topic, and you are so good at putting yourself out there and sharing your own vulnerability.  And once you extend that olive branch, it’s going to increase the likelihood that someone watching is going to return it to you.

    I like the ideas in Video #3.  I like the story.  I like all the emotional exploration.  Here’s the thing that sticks out for me.  The first few videos were about 6 minutes (I think?) and video #4 is 6 minutes.  Video #3 is 24 minutes.  To me that seems really inconsistent.  And maybe it’s just me, but around 6 minutes or maybe 10 minutes, unless I’ve actually carved out a whole half hour for the experience, I’m ready to fast forward so I can find the remaining points, or I’m just ready move on to something else.  I don’t want to because I’m so riveted by your message and your presence on the screen.  It’s just a time thing, and I’m noticing that Brad says he watched half the presentation so I think there’s a time aspect to that, too.  So something to think about (later on, not necessarily right now) is whether you can either edit out some of the emotional exploration or perhaps divide the content into 2 or 3 separate segments.  It’s easier for people to end a segment and start the next one than to stop halfway and then come back to find their place later when they have a few more minutes.  Maybe video 1 – the emotion stuff, video 2 – the minotaur in the labyrinth story, and video 3 – the take-home message.

    Once again, though, your message really resonates with me.  I wonder if it might work the other way around, too, that a woman might consider using this information in making the decision to “Stay or Go”  So much of this is relevant to anyone struggling in a relationship.

    Kudos, kudos, kudos.  I can’t wait to see what comes next.


    DavidJ Jurasek


    First off, it makes me very happy to hear that you see my videos as powerful. The work feels that tremendously vital and moving to me and how it has affected my marriage and life.

    I am quite proud of the Crossroads sequence — though Path #3 (LEAVE with Power and Love) is not yet shot…. want to do it but it takes help from others which may not be possible before Monday but we’ll see!

    The other video you mention — ESCAPE from the LABYRINTH — is meant to be last in the sequence and needs to say all that it says… And I think it needs to be in one video. So there isn’t a long sequence and just thematically it fits to lay it all out at once as the series is ending.

    All that said, I wonder if I could take your challenge and re-shoot it to tighten it to 10-12 mins instead of the current 24. Will ponder if that is possible and best for the message and the experience of the viewer and the overall journey. I don’t want to cow tow to artificial constraints (how long a video SHOULD be) yet attention span is a real one yet I feel if they got this far, they want and need and will be ok with a deeper and longer dive… And can I tighten it still?

    Thanks for sharing this incredible journey of ecourse creation!



    Laura Koller

    Ah!  I didn’t realize the labyrinth was the culminating video so that makes sense. I agree – if they’ve made it that far, then more willing to stay with you. I think if you consider adding the PDF worksheets that will help too. I signed up for a video course with multiple 20+ minute lessons on each module, and those PDFs are a godsend. Then again your material speaks to me with more passion and sense so I’d still vote for you.

    I love that you’ve got a village standing with you on this one and I look forward to hearing more from you!


    Laura Koller

    I must ask – are you using a script when you shoot the videos?  I notice that you have such great eye contact with the camera and I wonder how you manage that so well.


    DavidJ Jurasek


    What can I say, it’s a combination of the following:

    • I look at the camera imaging I am talking to a dear male buddy who is in this situation. Not hard to do. I know several.
    • I write the script. Obsess about wordplay too much. Cut, edit. Polish. Then get the balls to ask someone to help me shoot it. Then we get out there and I suck at memorizing anything (even my own words) so I do it in sections that I don’t need to read the page.
    • I try to EMBODY what I am saying so it’s not ideas in space but me showing– helps me stay in it.
    • I also have years of practice doing improv theatre, teaching wild 10 year olds and presentations to crowds that have helped me feel more at ease and be ok and trust in saying it how it feels and needs to be said in that moment and not getting too jammed up with doing it “right”.

    Does that answer your question with enough of something helpful to you?


    Trish Hyatt

    Very helpful @davidj


    Laura Koller

    I appreciate all that feedback!  It’s reassuring to me that you do it in bits and pieces. Like I said, I’m impressed at how well you keep eye contact with your audience. I can see how all of your experiences play to that strength.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    You’re amazing David and I’m so excited about what you’re creating here.

    With regards to the length of the one video.

    a) I think the right people will stick it out.

    b) you could also offer an Audio version. I listen to tons of audio these days.

    c) there’s no harm in a reshoot to see if you can make it shorter and tighter.

    Your call. 🎈

    All in all, what a journey you’ve had of creating this course!!


    DavidJ Jurasek

    LAST day of the challenge and I am determined to shoot the last and hardest one of the series… Video #3: LEAVING with power and love.

    I got a buddy coming out. Need a camera operator… nice metaphor… can’t do any of this alone!

    It’s gonna be a scorcher… how will I shoot it and maintain continuity with the other 4 videos (shot on a cold spring day! wearing a vest and sweater!)??!

    I like creative challenges like this… going to find a way to work with that…

    This one is also charged with lots of emotions like anger and grief and fear that I got to keep it real with… Also a scene with my daughter and wife AS IF we had gotten divorced. Ouch. Preparing myself emotionally….

    Hey GEA friends…










    Thank you for the ongoing support and belief in me creating this and please….

    Wish me that I “break a leg” and that I have the courage to dive in and honour the vision that has called me to create this for the men out there who need the empathy and clarity of such guidance… today!!!



    Jutta Dobler

    David, I’ve seen what you can do and you have build up for this through doing the other videos. You’ve got this! No need to break any legs :-).

    Sending plenty of good vibes your way and looking forward to hear how it went tomorrow


    Laura Koller

    Sending you warm wishes!  Maybe such a stressful decision that you’ve got to tear off your vest?   Maybe you can do something really special with your wife and daughter afterwards – you know, a beautiful reunion.

    You’ve got this!


    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    Break a leg, David! You’ve got this!!!! I believe in you! Sending Oceans of Love as you Dive In!

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