Just wanted to say a few things about finding your ritual. Firstly, I am so pleased you agree it is so important! After trying various things, morning writing and a large cup of tea is what really works for me. It has been an invaluable form of support and inspiration through some good and bad times over the last 6 years and I wouldn’t be on the mountain if it wasn’t for my writing. Wild food and recipes kept coming up in my head in the mornings so I wrote them down – they came up so frequently I decided to start doing a few informal foraging walks and that led to a wild food blog.
If meditation, golf, yoga or writing isn’t doing it for you – there are many other options and check out this freebies page from Leonie Dawson for some ideas.. there are colouring books, poster of daily zen habits, gratitude journal and a really excellent ‘How To Be A Morning Goddess’ download where 20 massively successful women talk about what they do each morning.. this is my affiliate link to the freebies page.. https://jlk86341.isrefer.com/go/goodies/homeojo/ (but these are all free!) or the ‘normal’ link is here http://leoniedawson.com/goodies/
Hope that might give you some ideas if you haven’t found your ritual yet 🙂
I’m having to change the morning ritual that has worked for me for a very long time: awake, yoga, wash-and-brush, breakfast with newspaper, quick e-mail/media check (15 minutes max), gentle creative work. I have been having repetitive stress issues that are most painful at night. I get up unable to do yoga. Tweaking the sequence. . . .
The point being that *having* a ritual is more important than the *specific* ritual, and that we need to be both consistent and flexible.