New Home Forums Course Creation Resources finding your ritual

2 replies, 3 voices Last updated by  Deb Robson 9 years ago
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    Jo Rhodes

    Just wanted to say a few things about finding your ritual. Firstly, I am so pleased you agree it is so important! After trying various things, morning writing and a large cup of tea is what really works for me. It has been an invaluable form of support and inspiration through some good and bad times over the last 6 years and I wouldn’t be on the mountain if it wasn’t for my writing. Wild food and recipes kept coming up in my head in the mornings so I wrote them down – they came up so frequently I decided to start doing a few informal foraging walks and that led to a wild food blog.
    If meditation, golf, yoga or writing isn’t doing it for you – there are many other options and check out this freebies page from Leonie Dawson for some ideas.. there are colouring books, poster of daily zen habits, gratitude journal and a really excellent ‘How To Be A Morning Goddess’ download where 20 massively successful women talk about what they do each morning.. this is my affiliate link to the freebies page.. (but these are all free!) or the ‘normal’ link is here
    Hope that might give you some ideas if you haven’t found your ritual yet 🙂


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Awesome resources. Thanks for sharing this!! Infinite options for finding the centre of peace and creative inspiration on a daily basis.


    Deb Robson

    Thanks, Jo.

    I’m having to change the morning ritual that has worked for me for a very long time: awake, yoga, wash-and-brush, breakfast with newspaper, quick e-mail/media check (15 minutes max), gentle creative work. I have been having repetitive stress issues that are most painful at night. I get up unable to do yoga. Tweaking the sequence. . . .

    The point being that *having* a ritual is more important than the *specific* ritual, and that we need to be both consistent and flexible.

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