New Home Forums Sales & Marketing Feedback Requested – Launching My List to the World!

6 replies, 2 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 8 years, 1 month ago
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    Chris Gilmour


    Hey Adventurers,

    After a couple months of experimenting with and learning new softwares, spending hours and hours studying online marketing and refining my strategy and vision, I am finally ready to launch my project and newslist to the world.

    I still have a ways to go on my actual course creation, my goal is to launch it in early 2017 right now. So the next few months will be spent creating all the content and building my network and list for the launch.

    I have made a video and landing page for the launch of my newsletter. I would GREATLY appreciate any and all feedback on it –

    Thanks Crew!


    Chris Gilmour


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    The site is looking solid Chris.

    The one thing I didn’t like (for my eye) was the formatting of the three give-aways.

    I think the pictures need to be more prominent (bigger so you can see what they are) and then under the pic should be a 1-sentence summary on what it actually is. The small text is unattractive. I didn’t read it (mostly because it was hard to read). The font didn’t go with the rest of the page (which is clean, clear and bold fonts).

    You want everything to be consistent and sexy  🙂

    This Thrive Themes? It’s coming along for sure!



    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Again, if you can add some music for the background of the video, it will take it up 10 notches!  😉

    Your presentation is solid, the music will only help amplify the emotion and vibe you’re looking to get across.


    Chris Gilmour

    Thanks Brad,

    I am going to play around with adding music to a lot of my future video’s. I agree, it would have added a lot to this one. I hit the point with it where I had been working on this launch for over a month and just wanted to get it out and stop tweaking things (I could probably do that forever) so I just went for it and decided to not add the music for this one.

    I have had 180 ppl sign up for the newsletter and fill out the survey in less then a week though, and I still have a bunch more ideas for promoting it that I have not got to yet, so that is pretty sweet!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Way to go Chris!! That’s a fantastic start. Where are you finding most people are coming from? Other networks or your own?

    Great job. Keep the momentum growing.


    Chris Gilmour

    Hey Brad, So far almost all of them are from my personal network, mostly just from me posting on Facebook and friends and students of mine sharing it. I will be beginning to reach out to other networks and new lists this week.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Awesome to hear Chris. You’ve got a very responsive network. That’s super promising!

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