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2 replies, 3 voices Last updated by  Karryn Olson-Ramanujan 9 years, 1 month ago
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    Sharyn Warren

    I was talking with a friend who sent me an SOS message this morning. She has a chapter in a book due to go the publisher by March and she hasn’t written a word. “I’m afraid.”
    I shared with her a bit about the Transformation video–you wisely created. That the bigger our ideas, the bigger the “new” thing, the further out of our comfort zone we go. And the stronger the resistance is. And the total normalcy of it. “It’s a beautiful thing” you said. Especially when we are in the right environment.
    So I am inspired–yea, guys, you are helping it happen!
    One of the biggest challenges for me, (besides recognizing my own worth and abilities) ((besides my unfortunate problem with “details”)) (((besides “squirrel!”))) is that I tend to jump to the BIG IDEA that is SOOOOOOOO BIG that I am completely overwhelmed, leading to confusion, leading to procratination, fragmentation, and…….Nothing.
    So while hoping to create a BLISS Party for the planet, I am cutting back and modifying my ideas from “Damn Near Impossible Given My Current Position” to “Difficult But Do-able.” Yes! Now that feels real nice.

    Keeping in mind that the community I serve is:
    1. spiritually untamed, independent seekers of wisdom, meaning and purpose
    2. who have felt different from others all of their lives
    3. tend to have specialized, uncommon abilities, gifts, understandings that
    4. and that these aspects are somehow all related, crucial, to living the life that was always meant for them AND fulfilling the work–making the contribution they came here to do.

    I think I am going to create a “pre-requisite” eCourse that will be both foundation and preview of a BIGGER PICTURE CHALLENGE later. After I have actually created something. Learned lots of things. Made the journey up this mountain at least once and either: 1. Know how to do it again OR 2. Realize I never want to do it again. Either way, precious learning.

    Draft Title: Mastering The Magic of Inner Fire and Introduction to BLISS.
    Transformation: From living life 75% real (more or less), “I’m fine,” “It’s OK, I can handle the restless, boredom, frustration, disappointment, sadness, loneliness of holding myself back, of binding my own feet, until I die,” “I’m fine. Really.” “I fit in. That’s good.”
    95-100% real deal, woo-hoo, authentic, honest to goddess pants on fire sparkling unstoppable one-of-a-kind beauty who lights up the world with joy, presence, goodness and hot-damn purpose!

    That’s it. That’s the transformation. Think I have work to do. But….and this is what is exciting. If I am going to package it for anyone else, I will have to test drive it for myself.
    Challenge accepted.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    I love what you said in this sentence:

    “I think I am going to create a “pre-requisite” eCourse that will be both foundation and preview of a BIGGER PICTURE CHALLENGE later. After I have actually created something. Learned lots of things. Made the journey up this mountain at least once and either: 1. Know how to do it again OR 2. Realize I never want to do it again. Either way, precious learning.”

    This is exactly the thinking we encourage here. Keep it simple round one to know that this is the path you wanna take. You’ll be surprised at how much fun can be had and how much transformation can be facilitated, even with simplicity 🙂

    Glad the challenge is accepted.

    My recommendation: Give yourself a DAILY BLISS EXPERIMENT. As in, a new experecise in bliss practice. Write it down and then at the end of hte day, reflect if it’s a good one to share with others. Did it work? What would you change? Would or could others’ do this challenge.

    Do this for 60 days and you’ll have ALOT of practices, content and processes!

    What’cha think?


    Karryn Olson-Ramanujan

    I’m down for bliss practices.

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