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Chris Gilmour 8 years, 3 months ago

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New Home › Forums › Weekly Coaching Sessions › Ep 7: Creative Ways to Grow a List From Scratch
“How do I launch a course and make money, when I don’t have much of an email list or audience?”
Well, the answer is: start growing your list (now).
And by list, we mean start making connections and and building relationships!
But how?
Glad you asked.
Growing your audience (and mailing list) is the conversation we had in episode 7 of eCourse Adventures LIVE.
Watch, download the MP3 and read the show notes below…
(Tune into eCourse Adventures Live every Wednesday at noon PST)
Show Notes:
“If you need certainty to move forward, then you’ll never move forward” – The Great eCourse Adventure
1. Instead of the old fashion online marketing “opt-in bribe,” why not take people for a walk in the park (or digital cup of coffee) as a way to get to know who you are and what you’re all about? Here’s an article to go deeper into that idea.
2. Unless you are paying for Facebook Ads and have a solid on boarding process set-up, making memes for social media is a hobby, NOT marketing. If that’s your marketing strategy, is time for a change of plans. Here’s an article on our no FB Ads approach to marketing.
3. Don’t make a crappy free offering. This should not be a second thought. This is people’s first impression of you and your work. Make an effort to truly WOW them!
4. You don’t need 10 bajillion humans on your email list to “make it.” 1000 true fans is all you need!
5. Go where the hubs are. Serve the hubs and serve the hub leaders. Better yet, create your own hub where YOU are the center.
6. Create a strategy on paper and DO IT!
7. Choose TWO marketing strategies to start. Do those things REALLY well, rather than doing a bunch of things mediocre. Keep it simple and enjoyable for you. (but be consistent)
We gave a bunch of specific strategies for building relationships and growing your list, but we don’t wanna spoil the surprise.
Enjoy the show! We’d love to hear your top takeaways after checking it out.
Putting the timings down is an awesome idea and super helpful – especially to someone who has rather a lot of catching up to do!
I think you should publicise that you do this because I only found it by accident.
Maybe under point 4 on the coaching campfires info page?
Hey Brad & Andy,
This episode came at such a synchronistic time for me. I have been working on list building the past couple of weeks and had already been thinking about how to attract the RIGHT people to my list, not just a bunch of numbers. And I have been gearing up to get back into creative course creation mode. Today’s episode really got my mind going in some new directions with the overall strategy of both my marketing and the course itself. I’m pumped. Thanks again for challenging the internet marketing norms and reminding us to be innovative and stay true to our roots!
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