New Home Forums Weekly Coaching Sessions eCourse Platforms Galore + Crafting the Ultimate Learning Experience

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    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    :15 This week it’s all about learning management systems and the features to look for like gamification, themification and more.

    1:45 How much do you want to give your energy and passion to your project? If not much it may be time to look for another opportunity that lights you up.

    4:46 Green Screen Magic almost done. Can’t wait but will have to until mid to end of May,

    6:00 Open your mind to business models, partnerships and referrals, licence agreements. Using Green Screen Magic as an example of the possibilities for growing your business.

    11:09 If you have the best course you have opportunity for collaboration, and you don’t need to play the competition game.

    12:20 A powerful yet simple 3 step marketing approach.

    16:50 You can build a lifestyle business. Live the life you want and use your creativity to build the business that supports that lifestyle. That’s the opportunity we have right now.

    18:40 What do you want to be known as? Something you can be the best at. Keep that in mind as you create your products and marketing.

    24:00 A live example of clarifying your business purpose, and finding your niche.

    33:15 How to approach affiliates for partnership. Make sure you have a good fit, and keep the pitch short.

    44:20 Why do we need a learning management system (lms)?

    47:02 Most LMS focus on the instructors. Don’t forget to stay focused on customer experience.

    52:06 Will you find the perfect solution for ever? Probably not. Expect to find a solution that fits your needs for the next 18 months to 2 years.

    53:03 Do you need to have the forum integrated or can you use a group on a separate system?

    56:30 A live demonstration of a wordpress system with peepso and learn dash.

    1:06:58 The possibilities are endless, the question is what features do you need?

    1:09:48 A look at Talent LMS.

    1:12:36 A look at

    1:13:10 Again the most important thing is the student experience.

    1:15:40 The importance of avoiding too many clunky wordpress plugins. It turns setting up a simple reward system into a time consuming and complicated process.

    1:19:00 Be very clear on the values you want reflected in the world before you communicate to a potential platform creator.

    1:22:48 The 2 basic approaches for LMS. One is built around the membership and content protection, and the second is built around community engagement. Pick the one that best suits your needs.

    1:30:45 Whatever you choose make sure you have a professional looking landing page.

    1:35:20 Introducing the Blair and Bradley show. Stay tuned.



    Moga rise? Mocha rise? What was the name?


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide
    @bradleytmorris @littlemaetree



    tanks @bradleytmorris

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