New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines eCourse Ideas Generated

3 replies, 4 voices Last updated by  Akasha Madron 7 years, 8 months ago
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    Judy Brenneman

    I am staying focused on interpretive writing e-courses specifically (I have *lots* of ideas for many other writing-related e-Courses, but my declared purpose here has already narrowed the broad-as-the-world topic of writing down to interp writing). My 2 winning topics based on rough numbers in the Idea Generator are based off of a one-day workshop I already do, and a 2-hour conference breakout session, most of which is actually part of the one-day workshop. And most of the other topics I came up with are also either part of that same workshop or part of the longer workshops I’ve done. The biggest variation in the category ranks had to do with how excited I am about the topics, which actually comes down more to how overwhelmed I feel when thinking about developing an entire course. One day or shorter? I’m okay with that. Multi-day equivalents? Too much to tackle right now. So I’m looking at an eCourse adaptation of my one-day workshop (the workshop’s title is Words to Change the World: A Day of Interpretive Writing; I will probably change the title for the eCourse) and Three Fast Fixes (name also to be changed), which focuses specifically on three techniques to improve writing. So that’s sort of 2, even though the 2nd one is encompassed by the first. (And both of these can be subdivided…)


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    This is sounding good to me. I like that you’re basing the course off of an experience you already teach. That’ll help speed up your process to the top. Looking forward to seeing your outline for how the course lessons go  😀


    Bobbie Jo Van Den Plas

    Sounds great, Judy!!


    Akasha Madron

    Hi Judy,

    I love the topic and title of Words to Change The World.  The three fast fixes one sounds fun.

    These are both great to start with!


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