New Home Forums Media & Technology Dragon Course Moodboards

8 replies, 5 voices Last updated by  Penny Claringbull 8 years, 8 months ago
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    Penny Claringbull

    My moodboards are here – I aim to have a different colour and habitat for each section:
    Grey and dusty at the labyrinth entry
    Silver and white mountains for the ice dragon
    Turquoise and oceanic for the sea dragon
    Emerald green jungle for the little forest dragon
    Crimson and fire for the cave dragon
    And flower covered meadows for the exit when the dusty plains burst into life.

    This was such a FUN exercise!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Oh, so fun!!! I love the imagination you’re putting into this course Penny. Great job with the mood board. It’s gonna be so cool to see your dragon course take flight!


    Deb Robson

    Love the imagery, @pennyclaringbull.


    sharon Lock

    Love your mood board Penny. I’m a big fan of Andy Goldsworthy sculpture so it’s nice to see a couple of images a bit like his work. x


    Penny Claringbull

    Hi @sharon I wasn’t familiar with Andy Goldsworthy, but isn’t his work beautiful? Thanks for putting me onto him!


    sharon Lock

    Hi Penny,

    Wow, I’m so pleased to have introduced you to Andy Golsdworthy. You’re right, his work is really beautiful.
    I hope is helps with your direction. x


    Deb Robson

    Andy Goldsworthy is amazing, @sharon. Friends in the UK introduced me to his work a while ago. How nice for @pennyclaringbull to have a wider connection for some of the images. I think it deepens our work to see it expand in these ways.


    Lisa R

    Hi @pennyclaringbull,

    I’ve just arrived at Camp Medias and have been checking out your moodboard before I get started on my own. Wow, it’s so beautiful and mythical and POWERFUL! Loving the vision you have for this and can’t wait to see it come to life!



    Penny Claringbull

    Thanks @lisa.russell !

    I loved putting that together but then I had a huge about turn and decided to write a guide for home buyers…yes, quite a shift. But my background is in sustainability and I’d just done a whole load of research for buying our own house. So I didn’t want to consign it all to the bin.

    But the dragons will fly free – just not yet 🙂




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