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    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    I’ve been quiet since the first of the year and now I’m back to make some noise.

    > How things went > Where I’m at > What I want/need > What I’m going to do.

    I am starting Arkitekt Forest in earnest and am pondering doing a quick refresh on the first three modules since I haven’t touched things here for a few months of IRL crazy-/busy-ness.

    My next steps are to confirm where I’m at in the GEA process then carve out a few minutes a day to go through the videos and get the plethora of ideas sorted, tagged, and prioritized. I have been developing a long-term vision and narrowing down possible paths to get there. Currently, I am wrestling with what makes a “good enough” starting point to release something — anything — that I can then iterate and improve.

    My gut says start with some of the audios I’ve already got recorded and build out something around one of those topics. We shall see what appears from the Forest fog as I put numbers to things.

    More soon!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    So stoked to have you back on the mountain with us @waynebuckhanan. @andyfreist and I missed you man. You were first one through the gates (cuz you snuck under the fence), so let’s have you be one of the first up the mountain!


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Hmm, being one of the first up the mountain sounds like a challenge I’ll gladly accept! 😉

    I’m figuring out ways to make things happen even though life never gives me a “perfect” work situation. Today I’m doing the first pass of viewing a few modules to get your outline in my head so my other-than-conscious mind can be working on filling in the blanks.

    I looked back at my “notes” from the first few modules and realized there wasn’t much of *me* in there yet. The next “work product” I’m focusing on is getting the foundational clarity out of my head and down on (digital) paper.

    My biggest struggle is following instructions (that’s what happens when you “know too much” — I often try to “improve” processes rather than running them!) with the penultimate struggle of prioritizing my ecourse development when a bazillion other areas are vying for my attention. So, current process goal is simple and steady progress, focusing on filling in the blanks, and knocking out a first revision to be improved later (if and as needed).

    I appreciate you guys, @bradleytmorris and @andyfreist!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Love your strategy @waynebuckhanan. Get it done quick and dirty first, then make improvements and refine.

    The art of creation can be an ungrateful journey at times, but at least we’re all here together to go through the trenches with.

    Stoked to see what inspiration is sparked by charging up the mountain!


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Creator’s Log:

    Slowly but surely filling in the blanks on the journal entries.
    “Finished” Mapora Meadows and am starting Arkitekt Forest.

    Have been processing through the whole daily ritual thing and am slowly developing a vision of what that looks like for me. I did rediscover that a morning ritual is not what I’m ready for and that I need to get my evening ritual/s in place before I can count on anything being different in the morning.

    The school year is almost over, so I’m predicting a huge feeling of relief once we’ve given out all the hand shakes and hugs at graduation on June 12. Of course, that just gives me more time to focus on the July course I’m doing for middle schoolers. (We’re building persistence of vision wands to write messages in the air with blinky lights! 🙂

    So, with the clear realization that no time will ever be “perfect” (and hasn’t been in the last decade of building and delivering pieces of courses), I’m back to plugging along and doing what I can on a regular basis.

    Liking many of the new changes here on the mountain. Feels like I’m artificially limited on earning bajillions since I “finished” all the available modules already. I wonder if @andyfreist could reset the checkpoints from Arkitect Forest forward so I can go through them again and earn the bajillions when I check each step off as *completed* rather than just viewed and injested…

    Oh, and I have the awesomest, most super buddy EVAR! (Right, Lisa?! 😉 She has been supportive and keeping me accountable at just the level requested. I think I’ve been helpful back, even!

    Thanks for facilitating it all, gents!


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Awesome 🙂

    Glad you’re still chippin’ away at it.

    I can really relate with the notion of no time ever being perfect.

    I’ve been procrastinating on producing electronic music for about 8 years now. I’ll get into little flows with it, make something that gets me excited. Then I’ll get distracted. And another 6 months goes by. I fiddle around. Then another 6 months. Ad infinitum.

    Now, with my other project, Audio Alchemy Retreat, I have managed to set up the “perfect” conditions in what feels like the “perfect” time. I am collaborating on a professional level with one of my favorite electronic music artists. The relationship resulted in him even moving his family out here to Hawaii about a month ago (right after we did our first retreat together).

    … and I’m still distracted and just can’t seem to find the time. (Now I can just blame it on GEA. hehehe)

    And all this time, there’s been this feeling inside that it’s not quite the right time.

    So, when is the right time?

    Well, as Stephen Pressfield so eloquently writes:

    “Start Before You’re Ready.

    Don’t wait till you’ve got your ducks in a row. Dive in now.

    Have you ever asked a friend who’s an artist or entrepreneur how they’re doing on a project you know they’re psyched about? Sometimes you get the answer, “I’m getting ready to start on it.”

    “I’m working up the outline.” “I’ve almost got the business plan.” “I’ve got a little more research to do.”

    When Resistance hears phrases like that, it can hardly contain its glee. Resistance knows that the longer we noodle around “getting ready,” the more time and opportunity we’ll have to sabotage ourselves. Resistance loves it when we hesitate, when we over-prepare.

    The answer: plunge in.”

    Now, on the topic of plunging in, I can and will reset all your courses so you can experience the thrill of earning the many, many bajillion and treasure along the way.

    Which leads to a question I have for you:

    What do I get in return?


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    @andyfreist, you get the joy of knowing you’re keeping your fellow adventurer moving with those awesome quotes (that remind me to reread the War of Art — when it isn’t an excuse not to create) and the tiny little nudge that is the bajillion!

    I’m pondering ways to find that balance in my own courses between just consuming the materials and actually applying them. I know there are folks who respond well to the consistent “two more weeks until the next module” versus the “do these things to unlock the next module at your own pace” style. The balancing act is in figuring out how much or how little I’m comfortable allowing to be done before they take the next step while respecting my tribe’s time.

    Now I’m wondering if I use my own desire to “get the big picture” as an excuse not to do the exercises until I’ve watched everything (and sometimes not then). There is also the balance of having enough trust to believe that doing the exercises is worth it.

    You guys are entertaining and have a great vision of what we can do to transform an industry and you’ve connected me with cool people. That alone is worth the price of admission. The question I didn’t realize I had until it resolved itself was whether what you’ve put together is also worth the time and energy that needs to be invested to do it “right”.

    Obviously, I’ve decided it is totally worth investing my time and energy (that is hard fought from the rest of life!), and now I’m wondering how to find those balances in my own delivery that allow people to “play along” at whatever level of commitment they are ready for at a given time. How do I build that trust and keep them involved even if they aren’t ready to do *everything*. I’m watching some of the changes you guys are making with that in mind now and seeing more and more ways to make that happen. (I’ll even share some of what I’m seeing — as I carve out time for that too!)


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    And we’ll have to geek out about dnb at some point.

    I’m totally inspired by seeing the “simplicity on the other side of complexity” made it feel like something I could do — eventually! 😉


    (And I *love* Elsa’s voice! *swoon* 😉 )


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    You’ve got yourself a deal Dr. Buchanan.

    I totally hear ya – I also have that tendency to reach for the big picture first and skim over things.

    What we’re discovering is that there is inherent value in taking action without knowing.

    Every step unlocks a new insight. Another piece of the puzzle.

    My tendency is to want to KNOW before I DO.

    But its coming more and more clear that the only way to KNOW is to DO.

    An interesting tidbit about this all is that the adventure up the mountain reflects our adventure in figuring this stuff out.

    Each checkpoints builds on the last. The quality gets better. The insights get deeper. The connection gets stronger.

    By playing along and going through the steps in full, it allows the richness of that full-spectrum experience to come through for the participant.

    So, it seems that the true way to get the full picture, is to experience the full picture, bit by bit, piece by piece and take the long road rather than the shortcut.

    Thats the paradox. The long road IS the shortcut 🙂

    …and we can start our dnb geekout right meow!

    Here’s my most recent dnb mix, played live at an event I produced for the spring equinox 🙂

    It’s some really lush liquid dnb. Enjoy!


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Enjoying the beginning of the dnb track!
    Looking forward to the rest of it as I get/make time and looking forward to joining you for a composer’s retreat at some point.

    Did you guys record any of the last one? If I pay for the next retreat now, can I get access to the recordings?!? (That’s also supporting me in doing my future goal reward stuff right meow! 😉 )


    Lisa R

    Holy Digital Forums Batman, I’ve discovered your secret progress Batcave… (well not so secret; I just surfaced for air long enough from my lesson plans to discover that you had this progress log here… *looks around sheepishly*). I was just about to prod you for an email update but I think this log is doing the job this week!

    Loving reading about you and @AndyFriest talking about starting before you’re ready.

    And thanks! I love being your super sidekick on the mountain!

    Really ought to start my own progress log too…



    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Yes, Lisa, I’m rethinking when my “Gotham needs you” reminder alarm is set for since I’ve been thrashed by 9:55pm when it goes off these days.


    Glad you found this thread and don’t feel neglected! Will check in directly tomorrow night to keep you in the loop on what progress I’m making. (Currently at the library working on my GEA journal while my daughter does crafty stuffs, so should have things to report! 🙂 )


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Slow week on my GEA work.

    There is something seductive about thinking “just two more weeks until graduation, then most of the students will go away and I can concentrate!” (I know it is The Resistance talking since there is always a “better” time to work on things coming soon…)

    I do have some milestones to post, so that’s progress (and nearly my 2,000 bajillion from the challenge as well!). Plenty of refining and details to sort out as I go.

    The part that is tying up lots of “brain cycles” is getting the story aspect woven through the whole sequence. Will let that percolate a bit longer while I add more detail to the lesson plans.


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    > How things went > Where I’m at > What I want/need > What I’m going to do.

    Been slowly making progress on my outline while dodging around all the end-of-school-year tasks. I am still letting various things percolate and filling in more blanks in my journal.

    What I want is a week of cave time, a personal chef, and masseuse. What I need is to keep plugging away in the few minutes at a time I can “sneak in” while finishing up the school year. Which is also what I’m doing right now!

    (Back to playing in my journal while the students finish their final exam over the next hour…)


    Lisa R

    I hear you. I would LOVE a week to get my head down on this and just blast through my last few lesson outlines and my storyboards.

    But the chip, chip, chipping away is effective too, and when you look up you’ll see how far you’ve come even though it didn’t feel like much progress at the time. So, keep sneaking, buddy. And then sneak some more….

    Keep it up! I NEED to see your floating Holly head!


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