New Home Forums Tech Support & Bug Squashing Download of Journal zip file problem

18 replies, 5 voices Last updated by  Andy Freist 9 years ago
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    Hi there


    I am trying to export the basecamp journal file into Evernote. I must have told my pc to open it in Adobe as it keeps trying but it is not supported in adobe. Now everytime I try to open the file, it says that adobe can’t open it. It is not giving me an option to open it in anything else so I can’t open it. Can anyone help me? I have tried downloading it again but it pops up as adobe again.


    Thanks so much for your help.






    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    @alysa try right-click, open with…, and find the list of everything installed to choose Evernote, and if you dig deep enough, there is usually the option to set that as the default program to open that file type.

    If that doesn’t get you there, I’m surd that s quick Google for “windows change default application” will find something useful.

    Happy hunting for those settings!


    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    And pardon the damnyouautocorrect “assistance” as I post from my phone.




    Thanks so much for your help Wayne. @waynebuckhanan


    I have just spent another hour trying to fix this problem. I found where the .enex file is defaulting to Adobe and when i go to change it, it sends me to the “store” where I can purchase Evernote Touch if I search for “Evernote”. I have tried reseting all defaults to microsoft recommended and it still pops up as adobe. I am assuming that you are a fellow course builder and i really appreciate you taking the time to help. Is there technical support available through the people who created this course?


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Hi there Alysa,

    I just sent you an email about this issue, and ill post a reply here just in case anyone else has the same issue..

    The .enex file is not meant to be opened in the way you are attempting. The way to import the notes is to open up Evernote on your computer, then inside Evernote go to File > Import Notes. Then in the popup window select the .enex file and it will import the notes 🙂

    Let me know if this solves it for ya!



    Dr.Wayne Buckhanan

    Oh, that makes sense, @andyfreist. Sorry for the “red herring” answer, @alysa.

    This is what comes from me ignoring the instructions and using other tools besides Evernote! 😉


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Okay the issue was simply that she was having a hard time extracting the .zip.. For some reason when she would double click the zip file it would open up some adobe program.. The solution was to right click and choose “Extract” 🙂



    Hi Andy


    I hate to tell you, but that fix didn’t work. Wayne kindly sent me the journal file so I am all good to go right now. I will try the Extract fix next time and will cross all my fingers and toes. Thanks again for your effort. Really appreciate it.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Thanks for letting us know @Alysa

    @andyfreist we’ll have to come up with a back-up solution for the future checkpoints   🙂


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Glad you got it sorted! When you get to the next checkpoint and download the new journal entries, try the (right click > extract) method, which will “extract” the .enex file out of the .zip file.. Let us know if you are still having troubles when the time comes.


    Jutta Dobler

    Hi guys

    I am having problems importing the .enex file into evernote. When i try it tells me: see attached screen shot.
    Also, whenever I download from your side my anti virus program gives following notice: again see screenshot
    Would be grateful for help or feedback.



    Jutta Dobler

    Ps: Ignore the thingy about my anti virus, figured it out, has nothing to do with your files.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Hi @jutta I’ve tagged @andyfreist in this message to help you get it all sorted.


    Jutta Dobler

    Thanks Bradley!


    Andy Freist
    Mountain Guide

    Hi @jutta – did you need assistance? Or are you all good. You said you got it sorted above, but just wanted to make sure 🙂

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