New Home Forums Course Ideas & Outlines Dojo Theme

3 replies, 3 voices Last updated by  Bradley Morris 8 years, 9 months ago
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    Chris Gilmour

    The course is kind of a citizens/family guide to being prepared for climate change (events such as extreme weather) and other unexpected events in a unpredictable world. The essence of it is being resilient, adaptable and prepared for the unexpected, improving your situational awareness and strategic problem solving skills and bringing your “A” game to life. The course will walk participants through a process in which they will create a unique strategy for themselves/family/community to be better prepared for a changing climate and world. The strategy will be realistic to accomplish with their current resources and time allowances and will be catered towards the ecosystem they live in and their unique concerns and needs. It will be fun, positive and inspiring yet get noticeable and traceable results they can be proud of. It will bring them peace of mind in uncertain times.

    My Theme: The Dojo of Life, earning belts as you develop real life skills

    Symbology (S) & Metaphors (M):

    S- Marital Arts & the Dojo M – The Dojo of Life, martial arts clips, use powerful quotes from book of 5 rings and other texts around efficiency and being your best

    S – Climate Change, Extreme Weather, Instability/predictability M – A Strategy for adapting to a Changing World,

    S – The Coyote M – Resilient and Adaptable

    S – The Protector, Hero, Guardian M – We are designed to be adaptable, strong and resilient, Anyone can choose empowerment and action over fear and ignorance.

    S – Nature M- Nature is the ultimate teacher and force in life and we can work against it or with it.


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    Great job with this exercise @chrisg.
    I”m really excited to see your course coming to life.


    Lorraine Watson

    Hey @chrisg – with the fires burning in Ft McMurray and the whole city evacuated … can’t help but think how much your course is needed!!


    Bradley Morris
    Mountain Guide

    YES @lorrainewatson. 100% agree. GO @chrisg!

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